Ben was airlifted back to Children's Hospital today with an obstruction. He was prepped and rushed into emergency surgery. The intestine had wrapped itself around the pouch they had designed to act as a bowel after healing. It appears it has been strangulated but the Dr.'s aren't sure if there was any permanent damage done to it or not. They tell us he will remain anesthetized until Tuesday when they will check the blood flow to the area to see if it is still alive. If the tissue has died from lack of circulation, it will become necessary to do another operation to remove the damaged intestine and to rebuild another pouch.
At this point in time Ben will be in the hospital until at least after Thanksgiving or longer depending upon the need. Today they had to pull the intestine back up into the stomach, close the opening they had made for colostomy, and make another opening to attach it to.
Recovery will be slower this time and more painful. Our daughter, Jennifer, and her husband have been with Ben steadily since his last surgery and are there with him tonight. Darrell is leaving Sunday A.M. and driving to Wisconsin to be with Ben. He will stay with our daughter until he feels it is okay to come back to Florida.
Ben and his complete healing with no need for a third surgery
His mom, Amy, as she is starting full body radiation and chemo for the three tumors they found in her, and for her distress
Jeremy and Christine
Darrell as he travels that he would stay well
Me as I hold down the fort
Thank you all, so much!
In His Arms,
Thank You!
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