Then, there it was, it's appeal was nostalgic to say the least. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this beholder must have been blind, for sitting before me was a pair of platform shoes with wood heels. No sooner than I tilted my head back to chuckle, the next offender caught my eye. For those younger than me you'll not appreciate the next few sentences since the term has been falsely used to describe other "comfy" footwear. There it was, a pair of EARTHSHOES!! Suede upper with no heel and an arch support sole. I sat there in tears, all of a sudden I thought it was 1976. Man what an evening of Deja Vu.
Now, you may not share my expertise in shoe styles, but I had to be sharp in those days, you see, it was my first real job. I stocked and sold shoes for Kinney Shoes during my high school years. I was almost as bad as a .... well for my safety I will not complete that sentence, but just so you know I had a closet full of shoes (other than an occasional tear during a chick flick and a blast of compassion here and there, I claim I am 100% HE-MAN, the shoes mean nothing)
One thing I remember about those days, our boss would say anything to sell a pair of shoes. Ugly as ... you fill it in, that's what some of the left over styles from each year were but our boss, slick tongue and all, could talk an unsuspecting parent or insecure adult (notice the gender neutrality) into purchasing these horrid looking foot coverings. They were not shoes, they were more akin to road kill with laces and straps. None the less, out went the happy customer and boss man would gloat that he got rid of another "dog", just so he could prove to us low life employee's that it could be done. Then as if trying to inspire us to greater heights he would say, "That's how it's done, so let's push those 'dogs' we gotta get'em out of here."
Well needless to say, Solomon was right when he said "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9) It's true today. In my E-Mail "inbox" today was an invitation to help stop Madeline Murray O'Hare and petition 2493 that will keep all mention of God and religious broadcasting off the airwaves. For years now they have used Dr. James Dobson to try to get your blood pressure going. You see, when you can't get the Christians to really see what's going on, just ruffle their feathers with another hoax e-mail and guess what. Like a bat out of .... they will send that "threat" to every living being as to protect themselves from the onslaught of attack against their faith. It's almost like I can hear them saying "SELL THE 'DOGS', THEY'LL NEVER MISS THE REAL SHOES." And to think that someone is still sitting back and laughing each time this "sham" comes back to their Inbox.
I've stopped sending the truth back to those who continue to forward to everyone under the sun and keep this lie alive. I know it sounds like calloused indifference, but you can only get it from the same group of people for so long and you realize, you're loosing focus due to your own frustration, then enters judgmentalism. I don't need any new doses of that, I'm guessing you don't either.
It's no wonder satan is having a field day with our families, he's up to his old antics of deception and diversion. Sadly we're too busy looking at the "dogs" to realize we've been sold a cheap trick to save a buck or two, or better said a conviction or two. Take a moment and think the next time you get an "unbelievable" e-mail or message that claims more than you think could be real. From Mel Gibson's face story to forwarding E-mails to make a bunch of money, some "salesman" is peddling "dogs" and getting a laugh each time. The sad part is, sometimes we as Christians get all hot under the collar, get our Righteous Rifles and shoot up the town. Occasionally the casualties are numerous, the guilty seem to escape while those looking for truth are bloodied by our ranting. I even worry about this little rant of mine, but I hope it makes you stop for moment before hitting that "forward" button. At the end of this article is a web site you can check out any story to see if it's true before you get all crazy and get a billion E-mails sent to the far corners of the earth and start a fire that hurts more than it heals.
Just Rambling, and praying that my frustration does not get in the way of the truth as it can sometimes...
click here to see the site I was talking about.... www.snopes.com
1 comment:
Hey Buddy,
I only shopped at Kinney Shoes when I was in high school that was the place after all-didn't work there tho....
I stand in aggreement with you about forwards and the fact that people are just on auto and hit the forward button-I check things out at snopes-before I forward anything!
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