How 'bout it, are you getting tired of Christmas decorations already? They've had them up locally for about a month, yes, before Halloween. And if that's not bad enough, then you have to add the following to the list of uh oh's...
...I'm not a Colts fan, but I sure was disappointed to hear they lost after 9 wins. And to the Cowboys of all things.
...Are you kidding me, Michigan lost to OSU!! At least it was a good game, more than I can say about the ones I witnessed a month ago with my wonderful Tigers ( I know, get over it! )
...I have never been a Notre Dame or UCLA fan, but I will be when USC plays them, in hopes that the Bowl Championship Series will be a rematch of UM and OSU, I can pray can't I?
...Are the Detriot Lions even playing this season or are they letting other teams practice while they play tackle dummies?
...At least the Pistons are trying to play ball at .500 and the Red Wings are having a good year, let's hope that early indications are not ate up by late season bumblings.
OK, enough of the whining, despite my hard luck this fall with teams that I actually care about this week really is a week to be thankful, I know that despite my attempt at poor humor, I am truty thankful. I imagine if you really take time to look around you, most of you are blessed like I am and have many reasons to be thankful. So, grab a piece of paper for a little exercise in thankfulness. Now, write down a list of people who you are thankful for. Take the list, buy some blank cards (you can buy preprinted only if they truly fit the person.) and write that person a thanks-giving card, telling them how much you appreciate all they do and how you feel about them. NOW MAIL THE CARD, I know you think I'm yelling at you, but it's not any good if you don't send them.
Think about this, most people stand beside a casket and wish they could say one last thing, take a moment now and say one great thing, in case it's your last. Many look at the loss of someone close and wish they had told them they love them more, so tell someone you love them, now, while you can. Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler is famous for a lot of things he said, but two of them are my favorite. First, "If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's important and then give it all you've got." My second I believe he borrowed from somone else, though I don't know who... "No man looks back and says, I wish I would have spent more time at work."
Think about it...
Be Thankful...
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