Well, I don't know about you but some days go by and then other days... well, they have a way of just sneaking up on you. If you are like me there is one day of the year that stands out more then the rest. No, not the usual holidays, they are wondreful and enjoyable. It's that one, that one no body but people under 21 want to celebrate.
When 21 comes, you become an "adult" and it's all down hill from there. Each one only reminds you that more things don't work. First it's aches and pains, then you slow down, the body goes, then the mind...
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot where I was. Well I guess that's enough whining for now...
Oh yea, there is one last thing, you know you're in trouble when you get a card on the unmentionable day that has this verse in it...
"The hoary head is a crown of glory," (Proverbs 16:31 KJV). For those who flunked old english writing class like me, here's a up to date version... The grey head is a crown of glory, (Proverbs 16:31 BBE).
Well I'm beginning to look like I got crowned. And it's all because of that day.
Another day older and deeper in....
Anyone got any Grecian Formula, I'm too embarrased to buy any.
Have a great day!
Happy Birthday Cuz!!
Hey Buddy,
Hello from Colorado! Happy Birthday-love the idea of the blog-I didn't know you like Celtic music!!! I love all the same movies you do-Have you evr seen the movie "Dave"
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