Take a moment and pray for Ted Haggard, you may not agree with everything he believes or what he claimed to stand for, but here we are again, another leader fallen. None of us are exempt...
Here are some thoughts you might want to consider...
What a terrible day we’ve seen. News of NAE president and New Life pastor Ted Haggard’s admission to an inappropriate relationship with a gay prostitute does little for the faithful who will be making decisions Tuesday. If anything, it only emboldens those who stand against the very standard Haggard is guilty of breaking. Honestly, I am glad that this man is willing to admit to his guilt, what he is guilty of is still being discovered. What scares me is the "shark" waters he created, chummed with the blood of Christian values. It is clear that we need a stop of the onslaught of gay activists who continue to win a culture battle based on a wavering set of standards. Haggard’s choices, clearly sinful and the words of Mike Jones, his alleged male lover, make that even clearer. The fact that the two of them could have met to plan such a tryst, in a country, which originated with Godly principles, says more about how far we’ve come than you and I may ever understand.
Haggard’s accuser spoke openly about the timing of his announcement. "After much agonizing for the last couple of months, once I found out about who he was… I became very angry" Mike Jones stated when asked about why he came forward about the incidents involving Haggard. When asked if he came out with it now to influence Tuesday’s election Jones states "That is a big part of it, you bet. I have been listening to Mr. Haggard and his church campaign against gay marriage. For someone who is up there preaching that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, and he's going behind his wife's back and seeing a gay man for sex -- I felt like I owed it to the gay community to expose the hypocrisy," Jones said. If only part of what Jones says is true he makes a great point, despite my sadness to it’s possible effect.
I have always been "political" if you wish to use that word. You cannot have convictions and set on the sidelines watching the country you love morally waste away any more than you could watch your child starve to death. Many agendas will be satisfied with this announcement and the upcoming news that results from it. Do not be swayed by the unbelievable shock surrounding this event, God isn’t. He was there when David fell to sexual sin, He has not moved since then.
Haggard has fallen, how far is yet to be known, but this one thing is sure, God will not change his view on sexual sin because a prominent "man" has made an error. Homosexuality will continue to be, regardless of society’s assertions, against God’s commands. I feel for Haggard, he will need grace, prayer and restoration.
I only pray that his lapse of morality will soon be gone from the news and we can move on to more important things, like the true need of our nation, Haggard and all, for God’s hand of mercy instead of judgement. Take a moment and pray.
1 comment:
I think the problem is not when our religion affects our politics, it is when our politics affects our religion.
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