God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years;
Genesis 1:14 WEB
Well, It's arrived, just as God has designed. Tonight we will officially get below freezing and the trend will continue into tomorrow. If the weather man is right (he's not as reliable as God), we'll see snow by tomorrow evening.
Now don't get me wrong, I know God had a purpose for the seasons, even winter. Things like the change that needs to happen so germs will die and insects will go away. I just got to wonder, why cold? I'm sure if you're like me, you're probably wishing that germs died in some other season and that cold was not necessary. That insects hated all the activities we enjoy.
As I write this, the temperature is falling and so is the rain, by morning I hope the two have not wreaked havoc on our town like some I saw on the news. Snow's pretty, when it's in the movie "A Wonderful Life" and it's great for sports, as long as it's someone else's village who is hosting the frigid event.
What comes to my mind tonight is the thankfulness in knowing that this too shall pass. Much like our lives. I have had "SEASONS" in my life, maybe you have too. This past year has been filled with "SEASONS". I started with the season of pain, then the season of bad news.
Within just a few days of this year start, my mother was facing amputation and my father was diagnosed with cancer. What followed next was much like the world outside my window, cold rain of tears, cold winds of reality and a "freezing" of emotions. God saw fit to spare my father any more pain, and shortly after his diagnosis, God called him home. Unfortunately I was not out of my "SEASON" of tears. The darkness of the next few months rivaled what I have heard about the long Alaskan nights.
Guess what, just like the long night in Alaska gives way to the bright day, my life also went from dark to light. The temperature was also warmer. Much like Alaska though, the cold still chills me from time to time
I thank God for "SEASONS", although much like the ones I experience in the great state of Indiana, I don't always understand them. If it were not for the "SEASONS" I would stay the same as I always have been, and to be honest, that's not very good for me or those I love.
I don't pretend to know all there is to know about "SEASONS" and I will not be so presumptuous to try to give some explaination of their timing. What I do want to do is to encourge you with these words. If you're not in a cold "SEASON" right now, don't get comfortable, your time may be coming. Take this time to help someone who is having one of those "SEASONS".
If the radar map over Illinios is what your life looks like, frozen and covered with cold powder, take heart. Not your own, HIS heart. Despite the empty aloneness you feel, He has promised... "I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5b WEB). Gotta tell you, those words seemed flat for many months, but the warmth of God's timing has begun to melt the tundra and life is now seen in little patches of "manna" type vegetation. Need an ear, send me a note. Need some comfort, share your pain, I'll be glad to listen. But before we're done, I want you to know, I'm limited. I don't say that as an escapism attitude, I just don't want you to take heart in what I would do or say. The best thing that was done for me when I was facing the dark winter was to point me to the source of real warmth, the SON.
Here's praying you'll let me or someone you trust, point you toward the same light.
Rambling a little cooler than yesterday (30 degrees cooler)...
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