Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ponder This Before The New Year...

What if

the Hokey Pokey

really is what

it's all about?

Do you recognize

someone you know?

Friday, December 29, 2006

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick...

Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future....

Only days and minutes left, if you have any unfinished 2006 business you should probably not sleep until you get it done. All of you workaholics, compulsive personalities and generally over done people take a deep breath, I'm only kidding.

I'm not sure who all is reading this right now, but I know this about humans, we can be one of our best allies or worst enemies at any given time. You may be thinking about your losses this year or maybe celebrating your successes. If success has been your treat, then you're probably going to read this and just move on. If this has not been your banner year, maybe it's been more than you thought you could handle. then I want you to be encouraged, no matter how little you may have, God uses the little things in life to mold us or take us to victory (God's style of victory, the heart.)

I was reading my devotion today and it really made me think, as we comtemplate our last few days of 2006 and our "plans" for 2007 are in the works, think about how God has used men and women throughout time in circumstances that others overlooked. Listen to the words of Max Lucado from his devotion "Grace For The Moment II"...

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10 NLT

Against a towering giant, a brook pebble seems futile. But God used it to topple Goliath. Compared to the tithes of the wealthy, a widow's coins seem puny. But Jesus used them to inspire...
Moses had a staff.
David had a sling.
Samson had a jawbone.
Rahaab had a string.
Mary had some ointment.
Dorcas had a needle.

All were used by God. What do you have?

God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny seed.... Don't discount the smallness of your deeds.

This year coming may be your turning place and beleive me, as a man who understands the meaning of small (short is my preferred term), turn your trust to Him, give him your little and see what He wants to do with it.

God Bless...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Twas The Days After Christmas...

Twas the days after Christmas and all through the mall,
Not a nice person was seen only grouches and all,
The prices were down to the correct profit level,
While the CEO's cried because their bonus was bow weeviled,
The salespeople were huddled all snug with their drawers all counted,
With vision of returns,receiptss and shift endings in their heads mounted,
The store managers had practiced all of their speeches,
Knowing customers would soon bleed them like leaches,
Then much to my amazement in the corner was a rustling dad,
Holding mother hitting another because the last small had been had,

When security moved in and began to do their job,
All you could hear was "call for reinforcements Bob",
One body two bodies flew through the air,
Yelling "hey that's mine, that's not fair"
When all had been tried and their efforts had failed,
The police to the scene did the security guards hail,
This story would be funny had it not been so true
Because as you read it, you realize it could be you!

Think if you may that this rhyme is not funny,
But notice you read it and thought...

What does Bill do in his time off?

Merry Days After Christmas, hope your shopping has not be too hazardousus to your health (or wallet)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm Guilty...

I've got to admit it, I'm guilty! It was hard to keep from wanting to do it, and when I did, there was a thrill and chill at the same time. Thrilling was the sight and chilling was the threat. There before my eyes I beheld the very thing I wished for but because I knew it was too early, it was off limits. My heart raced, I wanted to touch it, but my heart sank so I didn't. At 4:30 A.M. I dare not awake the giant, no matter how excited I was about the sight.

Have you ever done something and knew it was wrong? Dumb question isn't it. We have all found ourselves in compromising situations. some more than others, but all across the line. It's the nature of the beast, one desire after another, some fairly safe, but some, well I don't have to tell you, you're probably thinking of it right now.

What does a sin, a star and and a cross have in common. YOU and ME. Behold, each of them are about us... The first was before we were born but put on us at our birth, the second is his birth which was because of his love for us, the third our chance for a second birth. Because we are guilty he had to come and do what no animal sacrifice could do.

I saw this on the front of one of the Christmas cards I received at my office... He came to pay a debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt we couldn't pay. Can't think of a better Christmas summary than that, can you?

By the way, it was a GI Joe headquarters, it was 4:30 AM (as best as my 45 year old brain can remember) and we were not allowed to get up that early on Christmas morning. I imagine it was so my parents could recuperate from sneaking into our bedrooms a couple dozen times through half the night to tell us that if we didn't get to sleep Santa Claus would not come (Yes, I believed in Santa, don't write me about this, you'll only scar me more and those who know me will hunt you down for having to live with me more messed up than I am now). Then came the time their little scheme came together and they sat out the toys for us. It was such a wonderful surprise. So instead of taking a chance on the great present I saw, I did as any good little boy : ) does. Fake sleep for another couple of hours till the parents are at the "waking" point and then yell like a crazed idiot, which is what I wanted to do at 4:30. Now you know why my parents kept me locked in the basement (just teasing, don't freak out on me now, we're almost done).

Hey, what are you wishing for this Christmas? I thought that might be it... Can I tell you something? I hope you get it too! Can I ask you to help me have a Merry Christmas? Take a few moments and contemplate what life would be like if Jesus had not come. Then think about how he did, leaving all heaven behind him, why, so you could have the best present in the world... His forgiveness and a reservation in the best resort ever built. Do me a favor, take a moment and accept the best Christmas present ever, eternal life, it's free for the asking and if you sense God calling to your heart, then unwrap it!

If you're guilty like I am (don't kid yourself, you are), then you need a good present...

Here's hoping you have the gift or are now opening it...

Tell me if you do...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'll Be Home For Christmas...

There are no gifts with his name under the Christmas tree. No one has asked him what special food he would like for Christmas dinner. He will not have to drive anywhere for the holiday, he has no place to go. Despite their desire, he will not spend any time with family, they have mixed feelings about that. He's where he needs to be and yet he seems so far away. As he pauses, he thinks he can hear the voice of his wife and children but the activity around him drowns that out. He is not sad, despite all the things that are missing during this celebration of the young kings arrival.

This Christmas his life is filled in a way that it has never been before. He now knows more about the babe in a manger than he ever knew and boy has it excited his heart. Wise men may be telling him their story. Joseph, Mary and the babe share the thoughts and feelings they had that lone cold night away from the home they knew. They also share the peace they had inspite of all the trouble.

I can't help but wonder, what is he thinking right now? My heart goes out to him, but not in pity but in celebration. Imagine working all your life and seeing the final result, knowing that in some special way all of it worked out the way it was supposed to. I would love to see his face, the smile and satisfaction I imagine there warms my heart.

The Christ child now rules his life, no more guesswork. There is no stable or dusty roads. Only gold streets. The savior he knew is the Lord he worships. No gazing through the glass darkly and all makes sense. In some ways I envy him. In others I know our reunion will come, don't rush it, God has his time.

Dad, it's your first Christmas in heaven and I am so glad you're having a great time, in the next few days I'll think of you often, but only with warmth. Through tears I see more plainly that heaven has more gifts than the ones we could give you here. I miss you but wouldn't call you back, not for a million dollars.

You're truly home for Christmas. I'll be there soon for a lifetime here slips quickly from the top of the hour glass into the base of our last breaths. Thanks Lord for giving me a Christmas to look forward to.

Merry Christmas Dad! I know those words don't touch the wonderful time you're having this year...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Check The Calendar...

Sometimes an argument can solve itself, the following is a good example...

The next time someone complains about saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, ask them to hand you a newspaper. Tell them to check the date at the top of the page and ask them... "how did they come up with that date?" The answer is obvious, it was Merry CHRISTmas long before anyone tried to get rid of the reason for the season by calling it Happy Holidays.

Need some help? Today is December 11, 2006 A.D. Here is what the Wikipedia says about these two letters... Anno Domini (
Latin: "In the year of (Our) Lord"), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. ( Although not adopted till 525 A.D. or popularized in Western Europe until the eighth century, the reason it was adopted has to do with the influence of Christ upon the world. Look at the other end of our calendar, B.C., what do you suppose that stands for? BEFORE CHRIST. We measure backwards and forwards from this man's life.

It's interesting, we don't say 1400 A.M., After Mohammed or because he lived 1400 or so years ago. There is no other person in history that we use to date our newspapers and calendars. Now I know that some of you more educated objectors may say that C.E. or B.C.E. But that does not change the fact that historians, even non Christian, record the life of Christ and the effect he had on their societies.

Even science, until recently, dated their erroneous ages for the earth and it's occupants in terms of B.C., I.E. Extinct volcano's are listed in how many years B.C. since their last eruption.

I know that some people will never stop arguing this side of eternity, but it's because they have chosen to be blind, and all this because of a little child in a manger that came to "save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21).

Make sure you're in touch with the gift of Christmas, if not, e-mail me, call a friend who is a Christian or go to a local church. Get your curiosity satisfied.

Hey, only 14 days till Christmas, guys, only 12 more days until you have to start shopping...

Rambling with eyes on the babe in a stable, which stabilizes my life regardless of how crazy it seems to get..


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hand Me Your VW...

All of us boys in the neighborhood knew that we could do it. It took a little effort but it was an obtainable feat, just a little muscle and up it would go. What? you may ask... The VW Bug of my best friends father. When he first got it, we talked about "someday". I was about 9 or 10. I remember going to baseball practice in the back seat of that Bug, it was so much fun leaning back and looking through the curved back glass. The "storage" space just behind the seat was noisy, after all the "power" was just beyond the back wall.

But as I grew up (a relative term for a teenager, who by all means of reason is not "grown up") the challenge began. "Grab bumper and pull!" With a little rocking up and down on the front bumper and up on the curb went the front tire. But one thing was certain, lift the rear and you'll need some help. Get a gang of us and we could pick it up and set the whole car on the front lawn.

Life can be like that. Sometimes we can just grab the bumper and up the tire goes, even with a little effort the results are within our grasp, then other times we need some assistance. This is what Paul wrote about in Galatians 6... "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load." (Galatians 6:2-5 NKJV)

The word "burden" in verse 5 has in mind a day pack, maybe like a back pack, something that you could carry on your own. It's clear that Paul says to be willing to carry your load in life and not pass it off to others. In Verse 2 "burden" is much different. This term brings to mind the idea of going down under the load.

Samuel Plimsoll understood this principle. In 1876, his introduction of a measuring system that would keep a boat from peril in the varied water conditions that it would tread. Thus the addition of what is known as the "Plimsoll Line" painted on the side of a ship. Each line stands for a particular type of water and weather condition. You see, if the boat sets too high in the water it will not be able to traverse the water without tipping. (listen to this part of the passage earlier... "For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself" or this one... Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians 10:12) If it's overloaded, then it will, obviously, sink! (think about this, what greater weight than living without hope... Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 ) What is interesting is that a boat needs a load to keep from capsizing, but it how much of a load it can stand is measured by the "Plimsoll Line." It's like that with us, no responsibility or load in our life and we're really no good, you see we were created for work.

Now, next time you are near a harbor your will see lines much like the ones in the picture below (minus the red explanations) and then you can impress your friends with all this historical and nautical trivia.

So you may ask, what does that have to do with me... Some times you are traveling in calm waters and then a storm brews and the load you have seems to be taking you under, don't be afraid to ask for help. Other times, while your craft is sailing smoothly, others may be signaling "Mayday". Be ready to help them get their "boat" back to the correct level. Then they can traverse the circumstances God has allowed in their life without losing heart.

So, know someone with a burden, grab a bumper! Got a burden, find someone willing to say... "Hand Me Your VW!"

Rambling from the back seat, looking through the curved glass...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Baby It's Cold Outside...

God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years;
Genesis 1:14 WEB
Well, It's arrived, just as God has designed. Tonight we will officially get below freezing and the trend will continue into tomorrow. If the weather man is right (he's not as reliable as God), we'll see snow by tomorrow evening.
Now don't get me wrong, I know God had a purpose for the seasons, even winter. Things like the change that needs to happen so germs will die and insects will go away. I just got to wonder, why cold? I'm sure if you're like me, you're probably wishing that germs died in some other season and that cold was not necessary. That insects hated all the activities we enjoy.
As I write this, the temperature is falling and so is the rain, by morning I hope the two have not wreaked havoc on our town like some I saw on the news. Snow's pretty, when it's in the movie "A Wonderful Life" and it's great for sports, as long as it's someone else's village who is hosting the frigid event.
What comes to my mind tonight is the thankfulness in knowing that this too shall pass. Much like our lives. I have had "SEASONS" in my life, maybe you have too. This past year has been filled with "SEASONS". I started with the season of pain, then the season of bad news.
Within just a few days of this year start, my mother was facing amputation and my father was diagnosed with cancer. What followed next was much like the world outside my window, cold rain of tears, cold winds of reality and a "freezing" of emotions. God saw fit to spare my father any more pain, and shortly after his diagnosis, God called him home. Unfortunately I was not out of my "SEASON" of tears. The darkness of the next few months rivaled what I have heard about the long Alaskan nights.
Guess what, just like the long night in Alaska gives way to the bright day, my life also went from dark to light. The temperature was also warmer. Much like Alaska though, the cold still chills me from time to time
I thank God for "SEASONS", although much like the ones I experience in the great state of Indiana, I don't always understand them. If it were not for the "SEASONS" I would stay the same as I always have been, and to be honest, that's not very good for me or those I love.
I don't pretend to know all there is to know about "SEASONS" and I will not be so presumptuous to try to give some explaination of their timing. What I do want to do is to encourge you with these words. If you're not in a cold "SEASON" right now, don't get comfortable, your time may be coming. Take this time to help someone who is having one of those "SEASONS".
If the radar map over Illinios is what your life looks like, frozen and covered with cold powder, take heart. Not your own, HIS heart. Despite the empty aloneness you feel, He has promised... "I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5b WEB). Gotta tell you, those words seemed flat for many months, but the warmth of God's timing has begun to melt the tundra and life is now seen in little patches of "manna" type vegetation. Need an ear, send me a note. Need some comfort, share your pain, I'll be glad to listen. But before we're done, I want you to know, I'm limited. I don't say that as an escapism attitude, I just don't want you to take heart in what I would do or say. The best thing that was done for me when I was facing the dark winter was to point me to the source of real warmth, the SON.
Here's praying you'll let me or someone you trust, point you toward the same light.
Rambling a little cooler than yesterday (30 degrees cooler)...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Here's an update on Ben's progress...

Praise the Lord and keep on praying, Ben went home today! He was very apprehensive because of what happened last time he went home. The infection in his stomach area has cleared up although it is still seeping fluids. The doctors decided to keep the incision open the inch or so that they reopened in order for it to heal from the inside out. It will be a slower process, but a better healing.Pray that he will keep getting the rest that is needed for this to all heal properly, and that there will no more attacks or infections for him. He is frightened of both.

Depending on his recovery now, his next major operation will be in January or February. THANK YOU for all your prayers.

I want to thank you for your prayers...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Update On Ben Decker...

Here is the most current update on my great nephew Ben from his grandmother (my sister)...

On Friday evening it was noticed that Ben's old incision from the other bag he had was seeping. It was decided to open that back up and they found an infection. Nothing serious but something that needed to be tended to right away. They packed the stomach cavity area with gauze and have been changing it twice a day. He is being heavily medicated again but is starting to eat a little solid food. He has no appetite yet and he hasn't been out of bed since the procedure on Friday night. Darrell said it was very painful and Ben told me it was the worst thing they had done to him.

Ben's mom went back home on Friday afternoon so wasn't there when this happened. Her dad, Ben's other Grandpa will be leaving tomorrow (Monday) and Darrell will start spending the nights with Ben at the hospital. I Will be flying up on Wednesday and stay until Sunday. Hopefully, Ben will be able to go home Tuesday or Wednesday barring any other complications.

Thanks so much for your prayers...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Howdy from ganderland...

Howdy to all from the great state of Michigan. Had a great visit today with family and hope you have had the same. The older I get the more I realize the importance of slowing down and enjoying the time we have with those who we will miss once they're gone. Today is the first Thanksgiving without my father. Seemed funny to eat a Thanksgiving dinner without him. Take a moment and say "I love you" to all you care for.

Hope you all had a great day!!

Rambling on...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanks What?

I know this is the week, don't need any reminders. If you can't tell the holidays are coming it's because you are living with your head in a .....

How 'bout it, are you getting tired of Christmas decorations already? They've had them up locally for about a month, yes, before Halloween. And if that's not bad enough, then you have to add the following to the list of uh oh's...

...I'm not a Colts fan, but I sure was disappointed to hear they lost after 9 wins. And to the Cowboys of all things.

...Are you kidding me, Michigan lost to OSU!! At least it was a good game, more than I can say about the ones I witnessed a month ago with my wonderful Tigers ( I know, get over it! )

...I have never been a Notre Dame or UCLA fan, but I will be when USC plays them, in hopes that the Bowl Championship Series will be a rematch of UM and OSU, I can pray can't I?

...Are the Detriot Lions even playing this season or are they letting other teams practice while they play tackle dummies?

...At least the Pistons are trying to play ball at .500 and the Red Wings are having a good year, let's hope that early indications are not ate up by late season bumblings.

OK, enough of the whining, despite my hard luck this fall with teams that I actually care about this week really is a week to be thankful, I know that despite my attempt at poor humor, I am truty thankful. I imagine if you really take time to look around you, most of you are blessed like I am and have many reasons to be thankful. So, grab a piece of paper for a little exercise in thankfulness. Now, write down a list of people who you are thankful for. Take the list, buy some blank cards (you can buy preprinted only if they truly fit the person.) and write that person a thanks-giving card, telling them how much you appreciate all they do and how you feel about them. NOW MAIL THE CARD, I know you think I'm yelling at you, but it's not any good if you don't send them.

Think about this, most people stand beside a casket and wish they could say one last thing, take a moment now and say one great thing, in case it's your last. Many look at the loss of someone close and wish they had told them they love them more, so tell someone you love them, now, while you can. Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler is famous for a lot of things he said, but two of them are my favorite. First, "If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's important and then give it all you've got." My second I believe he borrowed from somone else, though I don't know who... "No man looks back and says, I wish I would have spent more time at work."

Think about it...

Be Thankful...

Update Of Urgent Prayer Request...

Here is an update on my great nephew Ben...

Thank you for praying for Ben and everyone around him. Darrel left Sunday at 7 am and arrived in WI at Jenny's place about 7:45 pm Monday evening without incident. He was very tired of sitting but doing well.

Ben was sent to xray today because he is running a slight fever and they wanted to check him for pneumonia. His lungs are clear, but they are keeping a close watch on him. He is feeling more pain this time around because they do not have him on the epidural like before. He only has his pain button. He has not had any liquids yet. He said not for a couple of days. After that, then a little solid food. He will be in the hospital a little while yet. He is discouraged but doing okay. I told him you all are praying for him and he said to tell you thanks.

We are trusting God to continue to see Ben improve in health and strength. Unless another drastic turn happens, I will let you know when he is released from the hospital. He is in room 525 at the same address as before. If you need the address again, or want his home address where he will be staying, let me know.

His mother started her radiation treatments today and is not feeling well. She is not able to go see Ben until Wednesday, probably. It is a 2 hour drive from her dads house where she is staying.

Thanks again for your prayers. Hopefully the next letter will have a much better report than the last few have.

Continue to lift up this family in prayer...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Update Of Urgent Prayer Request...

Here is information I recieved from my Sister concerning my great nephew Ben...

Thank you for praying. Ben came out of surgery much better than the first time. They gave him a different pain medication this time and did not leave the epidural in his back. He walked a little today. Pathology still isn't back from the first surgery so no answers on that. His intestine seems to have a blood flow but they will keep a check on it to see if it is sufficient. He will be in the hospital at least until Friday. Thanks again for your prayers...

Please continue to pray for this family. Ben's mother is currently fighting three tumors herself...

God Bless...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Urgent Prayer Needed...

Dear Friends, can you please lift up my great nephew in prayer. He has a genetic disease that required him to have his large intestine removed. They tried to make a new pocket to replace this removed intestine. Tonight I got this update, please make this a matter of prayer....

Ben was airlifted back to Children's Hospital today with an obstruction. He was prepped and rushed into emergency surgery. The intestine had wrapped itself around the pouch they had designed to act as a bowel after healing. It appears it has been strangulated but the Dr.'s aren't sure if there was any permanent damage done to it or not. They tell us he will remain anesthetized until Tuesday when they will check the blood flow to the area to see if it is still alive. If the tissue has died from lack of circulation, it will become necessary to do another operation to remove the damaged intestine and to rebuild another pouch.

At this point in time Ben will be in the hospital until at least after Thanksgiving or longer depending upon the need. Today they had to pull the intestine back up into the stomach, close the opening they had made for colostomy, and make another opening to attach it to.

Recovery will be slower this time and more painful. Our daughter, Jennifer, and her husband have been with Ben steadily since his last surgery and are there with him tonight. Darrell is leaving Sunday A.M. and driving to Wisconsin to be with Ben. He will stay with our daughter until he feels it is okay to come back to Florida.

Ben and his complete healing with no need for a third surgery
His mom, Amy, as she is starting full body radiation and chemo for the three tumors they found in her, and for her distress
Jeremy and Christine
Darrell as he travels that he would stay well
Me as I hold down the fort

Thank you all, so much!

In His Arms,

Thank You!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's In The Heels...

I know there are people who say they have a "new idea" all the time. Even corporations use this arm twisting technique to sell us soap, meat, milk, and shoes, yes shoes. I was causally visiting the isles of a local store, whose name will be withheld to protect the shoppers who keep them in business. I walked down the isle and there they were, they lined the entire wall on each side. As I walked with my purchase partner we viewed the contents that filled each side of this extravaganza of products.

Then, there it was, it's appeal was nostalgic to say the least. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this beholder must have been blind, for sitting before me was a pair of platform shoes with wood heels. No sooner than I tilted my head back to chuckle, the next offender caught my eye. For those younger than me you'll not appreciate the next few sentences since the term has been falsely used to describe other "comfy" footwear. There it was, a pair of EARTHSHOES!! Suede upper with no heel and an arch support sole. I sat there in tears, all of a sudden I thought it was 1976. Man what an evening of Deja Vu.

Now, you may not share my expertise in shoe styles, but I had to be sharp in those days, you see, it was my first real job. I stocked and sold shoes for Kinney Shoes during my high school years. I was almost as bad as a .... well for my safety I will not complete that sentence, but just so you know I had a closet full of shoes (other than an occasional tear during a chick flick and a blast of compassion here and there, I claim I am 100% HE-MAN, the shoes mean nothing)

One thing I remember about those days, our boss would say anything to sell a pair of shoes. Ugly as ... you fill it in, that's what some of the left over styles from each year were but our boss, slick tongue and all, could talk an unsuspecting parent or insecure adult (notice the gender neutrality) into purchasing these horrid looking foot coverings. They were not shoes, they were more akin to road kill with laces and straps. None the less, out went the happy customer and boss man would gloat that he got rid of another "dog", just so he could prove to us low life employee's that it could be done. Then as if trying to inspire us to greater heights he would say, "That's how it's done, so let's push those 'dogs' we gotta get'em out of here."

Well needless to say, Solomon was right when he said "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9) It's true today. In my E-Mail "inbox" today was an invitation to help stop Madeline Murray O'Hare and petition 2493 that will keep all mention of God and religious broadcasting off the airwaves. For years now they have used Dr. James Dobson to try to get your blood pressure going. You see, when you can't get the Christians to really see what's going on, just ruffle their feathers with another hoax e-mail and guess what. Like a bat out of .... they will send that "threat" to every living being as to protect themselves from the onslaught of attack against their faith. It's almost like I can hear them saying "SELL THE 'DOGS', THEY'LL NEVER MISS THE REAL SHOES." And to think that someone is still sitting back and laughing each time this "sham" comes back to their Inbox.

I've stopped sending the truth back to those who continue to forward to everyone under the sun and keep this lie alive. I know it sounds like calloused indifference, but you can only get it from the same group of people for so long and you realize, you're loosing focus due to your own frustration, then enters judgmentalism. I don't need any new doses of that, I'm guessing you don't either.

It's no wonder satan is having a field day with our families, he's up to his old antics of deception and diversion. Sadly we're too busy looking at the "dogs" to realize we've been sold a cheap trick to save a buck or two, or better said a conviction or two. Take a moment and think the next time you get an "unbelievable" e-mail or message that claims more than you think could be real. From Mel Gibson's face story to forwarding E-mails to make a bunch of money, some "salesman" is peddling "dogs" and getting a laugh each time. The sad part is, sometimes we as Christians get all hot under the collar, get our Righteous Rifles and shoot up the town. Occasionally the casualties are numerous, the guilty seem to escape while those looking for truth are bloodied by our ranting. I even worry about this little rant of mine, but I hope it makes you stop for moment before hitting that "forward" button. At the end of this article is a web site you can check out any story to see if it's true before you get all crazy and get a billion E-mails sent to the far corners of the earth and start a fire that hurts more than it heals.

Just Rambling, and praying that my frustration does not get in the way of the truth as it can sometimes...

click here to see the site I was talking about....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Talk To Me...

God is faithful, by whom you were called into
the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:9 NKJV

God's faithfulfulness is something we can hang on to in troubled times. Each of us have a story to tell of His faithfulness. Take a moment and e-mail me with your story. I'll share them on the blog as I can. Tell me if you want me to use your real name or a "handle" or "pen name" (that is a name other than yours, like I use rambling hoosier).

Let's take a moment and encourage each other with our stories.

Send Stories To...

P.S. please read... by sending me your story you understand that I may not be able to share all of the responses, use all of one particular response due to space, will work with you on final edited copy if changed and reserve the right to contact you concerning details of your story if there are questions.

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's Colder Than A...

Be careful, sometimes your brain will get you in trouble. The recent change in weather here in Hoosierland has us fretting that some SNOW (that's not a cuss word despite the capital letters) may be coming our way this week. I find that quite funny. Last Friday I was on the golf course with a friend, tomorrow I plan to repeat the scene, different friend but the same course. But just as soon as the time allows for me to participate in my favorite activity (and may I add relaxing) the weatherman rains (actually it may be snows) on my parade.

Ever felt like life has the same twist. You're not alone. Listen to this man's perspective... "And he got up, fearing for his life, and went in flight, and came to Beer-sheba in Judah, parting there from his servant; While he himself went a day's journey into the waste land, and took a seat under a broom-plant, desiring for himself only death; for he said, It is enough: now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers... And there he went into a hole in the rock for the night; then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, What are you doing here, Elijah? And he said, I have been burning for the honour of the Lord, the God of armies; for the children of Israel have not kept your agreement; they have made destruction of your altars, and have put your prophets to death with the sword: till I, even I, am the only one living; and now they are attempting to take away my life...And he said, I have been burning for the honour of the Lord, the God of armies; for the children of Israel have not kept your agreement; they have had your altars broken down, and have put your prophets to death with the sword: till I, even I, am the only one living; and now they are attempting to take away my life." (1 Kings 19:3-4, 9-10, 14 BBE).

If you have not heard this story, let me tell it to you quick. Elijah challenged the bad guys, won a big battle and got some much needed water for the king (See 1 Kings 18). Just as the weather was sun shiny and calm... "here comes the rain du dn du du" (actually the words to the song are "here comes the sun" but it doesn't fit here, so please pretend with me). Right in the middle of a victory comes a big punch in the gut, and just like you and me, he bends and holds his stomach.

I've had these days. So have you. They're the day someone else gets the promotion. When you're pulled over and it's the other guy that was speeding. Let's break into song together now... "No body knows the trouble I see..." Well, someone does. He did for Elijah and He does for us. The question of the hour is... are we listening?

I miss it, you may too! But God's faithfulness doesn't miss a thing. Even when we're out in left field, He's still in the dugout calling us to come in out of the rain. He's got hot chocolate with marshmallows, warm cookies, dry clothes and a place for you next to Him on the bench. Elijah was not alone (trust me read the rest of the chapter) and neither are you. Keep listening, through the ruckus of the storm and the shaking of the ground, he will still speak. I know it's Him when it's his will, his way, his glory and my eternity he is talking about. By the way, it will be the same agenda for you as well, remember, will, way, glory, eternity.

I think I'm going to go lay down now, turn on some praise music, close my eyes and wait for the CD to stop. I may be asleep by then, Elijah needed that. I may be awake and praying, that's what Elijah needed to do. I may have to get up for a quick snack, again Elijah and a need. God cares about my needs, yours too, let's agree together, take a moment and let him get a word in edgewise...

If he does, you won't feel like it's colder than a....

Let me know what he says...

Just Rambling

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Another Day Older And Deeper In...

Well, I don't know about you but some days go by and then other days... well, they have a way of just sneaking up on you. If you are like me there is one day of the year that stands out more then the rest. No, not the usual holidays, they are wondreful and enjoyable. It's that one, that one no body but people under 21 want to celebrate.

When 21 comes, you become an "adult" and it's all down hill from there. Each one only reminds you that more things don't work. First it's aches and pains, then you slow down, the body goes, then the mind...

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot where I was. Well I guess that's enough whining for now...

Oh yea, there is one last thing, you know you're in trouble when you get a card on the unmentionable day that has this verse in it...

"The hoary head is a crown of glory," (Proverbs 16:31 KJV). For those who flunked old english writing class like me, here's a up to date version... The grey head is a crown of glory, (Proverbs 16:31 BBE).

Well I'm beginning to look like I got crowned. And it's all because of that day.

Another day older and deeper in....


Anyone got any Grecian Formula, I'm too embarrased to buy any.

Have a great day!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Grace, Grace...

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
2 Thessalonians 3:18

It's hard to express Grace. Some have used acronyms to suggest it's meaning, God's Riches At Christ's Expense is one of the most commonly used. But what is grace? Before you get your "religious" answer out and say God's unmerited (or some use unearned) favor, rest your Sunday School lessons and give your tired brain a break. No acronym or one sentence phrase can truly describe it. As a matter of fact, when I felt led to write about it, it's because of my experience of Grace, not my education. I am a recipient of Grace. I am blessed to not only know of the Grace of God from the Savior, but from those who I love and whom love me. It's great to have that. I have fallen short a few times (a few more than I am willing to share openly with all, but take my word for it, some know) My question do you know Grace? Having been given Grace by God and those who understand it's power as believers, It is my prayer, that in some limited way, you will understand Grace in a little more depth today.

Let me share, using as many an acrostic, my thoughts on Grace. They may not be complete, but then I don't think I will understand what complete Grace is until I experience the life after this one in the presence of life's greatest Grace giver.
Let's look at G R A C E...
G = Giving more than anyone else ever thought of giving...
When you think of how much was given to us as humans, you will see that God's grace is a giving grace. When I got up this morning, I was able to see, grace. when I got up this morning I was able to breath. I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner today, most of us did. but those are small graces, some of which not all can enjoy. But the largest of graces, God's Son. He was at the right hand side of the Father and he chose, yes chose (see Philippians 2:3-8) to leave it for you and I. Add skin and he was stuck in the human condition so he could face the things we face and understand them on our level (Hebrews 4:14-16) Then as if it was not enough, he allowed, yes allowed others to accuse, beat, batter, gossip, spit, pluck hair from and then crucify as a common criminal. Life, totally sacrificed. And only one reason. Look in the mirror and you'll know.

R = Running to places no one else would ever go...
Have you seen some of the places Jesus shows up... how about a wedding? What about by a well? What about to a church where everyone was suspect? On a ship in a storm, of course he came by water (literally, he even walked on it) What about Gadara that was a great stop! And then there's that little stop in Bethany, boy did he get an ear full over that one. One stop the deceiver tried his luck but just like all the other places Jesus went, He shined. Shined in the dark and in the light, in the rain and in the sun. He was the same in church as he was sitting at the marriage table with a couple celebrating. Every place, Grace. Why? I like Max Lucado's take, Because he loved people. It's why he went where he went and why the next letter says so much. It's why he showed up in a little church in Pontiac Michigan one day. It's may seem amazing to you, he may have visited a place you were in one day, do you remember?

A = Accepting those who others had written off ...
Where to start? Could it be with the little lady caught in her featherbed by the guys who were trying to cause Jesus heartburn? And what about that Maniac, you know the one everyone ran from until they could chain him up for his safety and theirs? A stinky grave where others warned the deceased was rank? How about a short guy (no jokes here please) known for having a heavy calculator, "one for you, one for me, two for you and one, two for me, three for you, and one, two, three for me" well you get the picture. Gotta wonder who talked when they heard about his little excursion at the well, how could he choose to go through Samaria anyhow. The tax collector and the smelly fishermen. Shouldn't a king be a little more discerning? He was!! When accused in public for healing the sick by forgiving their sin, when talked about by men of lesser character for his acquaintances, He calmly replied... , "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick." (Matthew 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31). He went to those who others thought were less worthy. I know this little guy who had buck teeth and slobbered on himself from time to time, boy did his friends think it was funny. He accepted him inside a little church in Pontiac Michigan one Sunday. Do you fit this category? Others forgot, yet He remembers. Others say you're not all you should be and he says by Grace I'll make you like Me. Others see no value, He sees his creation. Written off? He wrote your story, and he wants you to trust him with the rest of it. (and now you know who really knows the rest of the story, eat your heart out Paul Harvey)

C = Corralling those who thought they didn't need it...
Inside a church many years ago, full of verses and laws, sat a group of men who were waiting for a man. This man would not be just any man, but he would be from God. Sacred words were deeply stored in their hearts... "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." (Isaiah 9:6-7). Only one problem. They had gotten so wrapped up in the least important parts that when he showed up, they saw him as an enemy. He tried to get them to see, but they were blinded by their own importance. When confronted about their pompous attitudes they grew angry instead of apologetic. Oh their not the only ones to miss the mark even if they felt there was no need to measure their life. One young lawyer proclaimed he had kept all the commandments, only to walk away when asked to give of what he had held back so he would help the poor. Another ambitious young Jewish man wanted to know who is neighbor was only to be laid bare after Jesus used a Samaritan dog to compare his compassion to. There may be some of you reading this today, you have been "good". I just have one question, "how good is good enough?" Grace, that's the only good enough, realize this and it will make your load much lighter.

E = Essence of God himself...
Peter, a man who understood Grace, writes... The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) His heart breaks to see us come home. To understand this you must look at where he shows up with Grace. In the garden, it was Grace that kept Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of life, if they had, we'd live eternally in the decay of sin It was Grace that Noah found when the world was so bent against the things of God. It was Grace that Moses received when he bowed his head to the ground and asked for it in spite of being part of a "stiff-necked" group of insolents. It's this Grace Paul said we were saved by, He and Silas recommended it for the lives of those they taught, not just to receive it for their salvation but to pass it along to the brethren. It was Grace Paul appealed to when a repentant brother came home after immoral relations with his fathers wife and it was Grace, in it's truest form, that kept Jesus on task all the way to the cross, and then all the way back home to complete the job so His father could call us home. It is the very fragrance of God, take a whiff, smell that aroma of praise, forgiveness and holiness, That's Grace!!

What's your response to God's Grace? Examine and act accordingly. Maybe you need to remove a burden your heart has carried. Maybe you need it to clean a sin that has robbed you of sleep and sanity. Or maybe you need it to remind you of your responsibility to pass it along when you have been a recipient. Look and act accordingly.

Rambling in the wonderful richness of some old hymns... Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within; Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin! and then there's my all time favorite, it was sung acapella by the Cathedral Quartet years ago... Wonderful Grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin; How shall my tongue describe it, Where shall its praise begin? Taking away my burden, setting my spirit free; O the Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me! (click here to enjoy the whole song ..

Till next time...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some Smiles, Some Tears...

Well, there are some smiles and some tears today. Each of the candidates did all they could to get elected. The fact is, some did things that they will later look back and regret while others have yet to come to that realization. As a former public servant and candidate, I can tell you the stress will eat you alive if you let it.

There are those outside the campaigns that will have the same response. There are happy and sad voters today, it's the nature of the beast. We can't all win. Despite the illusion that if the "right person" is elected it will end all problems in public life, your vote does matter. If anything is going to move in a good direction you must have good people in office. It is early, but as before the elections, the fur is flying. I read an article by a business organization that painted a picture of gloom because of election results, I pray their wrong but I got to tell you, there is no way that we can know what the future holds. We have to trust that God can still speak to hearts and change lives, even those whose heart seems impenetrable.

One last thing to consider, all of us had candidates lose that we would like to see win. The question now is whether we will stay involved or get involved to insure that the needed policy becomes law. John Newton, the writer of the hymn "Amazing Grace" had a young man named William Wilberforce who attended his church while he was pastoring in London. Although Wilberforce was involved in politics, his conversion to Christianity and relationship with Newton, a former slave trader, proved the impact of one life. Wilberforce began to debate the slavery issue and due to his conviction and perseverance, the British House of Commons abolished slavery in 1833. The difficult thing is that William Wilberforce died three days after the legislation was approved. Even though he did not get to see the fruit of his labor, millions of lives have been changed due to his commitment to serving others. Less than 30 years later, a man name Lincoln, would do the same here in America.

If you sit still and don't get involved then you shouldn't cry when things don't turn our your way. But if you get involved, at least you can make some impact, and who knows, it may be you who touches the life of a public servant and change the mind of a politician who otherwise would have kept on with the agenda of those who had his/her ear.

Congrats to all who ran, it takes guts to step into public life, to put your reputation on a ballot and let others say yea or nay. No matter the outcome, you are a winner for participating in the game of life while others just sit the bench and complain about how they don't get playing time.

Just Rambling...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thought You Might Enjoy This...

I got this from a friend today, see what you think...

An older lady gets pulled over for speeding...
Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?

Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding.

Older Woman: Oh, I see.
Officer: Can I see your license please?

Older Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one.

Officer: Don't have one?

Older Woman: Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving.

Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.

Older Woman: I can't do that.

Officer: Why not?

Older Woman: I stole this car.

Officer: Stole it?

Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.

Officer: You what?

Older Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see

The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle please! The woman steps out of her vehicle.

Older woman: Is there a problem sir?

Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.

Older Woman: Murdered the owner?

Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.

The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.

Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am?

Older Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is quite stunned.

Officer 2: One of my officers claims tha t you do not have a driving license.

The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer.

The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.

Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.

Older Woman: Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too. : )

Monday, November 06, 2006

Take a moment and pray

Take a moment and pray for Ted Haggard, you may not agree with everything he believes or what he claimed to stand for, but here we are again, another leader fallen. None of us are exempt...

Here are some thoughts you might want to consider...

What a terrible day we’ve seen. News of NAE president and New Life pastor Ted Haggard’s admission to an inappropriate relationship with a gay prostitute does little for the faithful who will be making decisions Tuesday. If anything, it only emboldens those who stand against the very standard Haggard is guilty of breaking. Honestly, I am glad that this man is willing to admit to his guilt, what he is guilty of is still being discovered. What scares me is the "shark" waters he created, chummed with the blood of Christian values. It is clear that we need a stop of the onslaught of gay activists who continue to win a culture battle based on a wavering set of standards. Haggard’s choices, clearly sinful and the words of Mike Jones, his alleged male lover, make that even clearer. The fact that the two of them could have met to plan such a tryst, in a country, which originated with Godly principles, says more about how far we’ve come than you and I may ever understand.

Haggard’s accuser spoke openly about the timing of his announcement. "After much agonizing for the last couple of months, once I found out about who he was… I became very angry" Mike Jones stated when asked about why he came forward about the incidents involving Haggard. When asked if he came out with it now to influence Tuesday’s election Jones states "That is a big part of it, you bet. I have been listening to Mr. Haggard and his church campaign against gay marriage. For someone who is up there preaching that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, and he's going behind his wife's back and seeing a gay man for sex -- I felt like I owed it to the gay community to expose the hypocrisy," Jones said. If only part of what Jones says is true he makes a great point, despite my sadness to it’s possible effect.
I have always been "political" if you wish to use that word. You cannot have convictions and set on the sidelines watching the country you love morally waste away any more than you could watch your child starve to death. Many agendas will be satisfied with this announcement and the upcoming news that results from it. Do not be swayed by the unbelievable shock surrounding this event, God isn’t. He was there when David fell to sexual sin, He has not moved since then.

Haggard has fallen, how far is yet to be known, but this one thing is sure, God will not change his view on sexual sin because a prominent "man" has made an error. Homosexuality will continue to be, regardless of society’s assertions, against God’s commands. I feel for Haggard, he will need grace, prayer and restoration.

I only pray that his lapse of morality will soon be gone from the news and we can move on to more important things, like the true need of our nation, Haggard and all, for God’s hand of mercy instead of judgement. Take a moment and pray.

OK, Here we go...

Well, I've gotten the e-mails and I've been encouraged to join the fun, so here we go...

I will start blogging away, who knows what I'll say, but it will always make you think (WHAT you think... is up to you!)

Let the Rambling begin...