Not a nice person was seen only grouches and all,
The prices were down to the correct profit level,
While the CEO's cried because their bonus was bow weeviled,
The salespeople were huddled all snug with their drawers all counted,
With vision of returns,receiptss and shift endings in their heads mounted,
The store managers had practiced all of their speeches,
Knowing customers would soon bleed them like leaches,
Then much to my amazement in the corner was a rustling dad,
Holding mother hitting another because the last small had been had,
When security moved in and began to do their job,
All you could hear was "call for reinforcements Bob",
One body two bodies flew through the air,
Yelling "hey that's mine, that's not fair"
When all had been tried and their efforts had failed,
The police to the scene did the security guards hail,
This story would be funny had it not been so true
Because as you read it, you realize it could be you!
Think if you may that this rhyme is not funny,
But notice you read it and thought...
What does Bill do in his time off?
Merry Days After Christmas, hope your shopping has not be too hazardousus to your health (or wallet)
Did you write this? You have such an amazing way with words!
ur cuz...
What does Bill do the rest of the time?
Blesses me!
Dear brother sparks:::::I have returned in all my royal splendor and have so far survived the after christmas whatever....I spent the last four hours or so reading at the library.A book my sister had me get called "wild at heart". So far it is pretty good ,the jist being that God is a "real Man" taking on pharisees and temple merchants and if we all were more like HIm we too would be really wild ie rock climbing ,grizzly hunting,damsel defending Knights in shining armour...a rather breath of fresh air for a society that wants to disarm,dishearten,and discount the created lion-heart of mankind.Let my slightly sarcastic tone be my only critisism of the book ...It is true we have become a society of boys and boys who want to be girls, a society full of dead -beat dads and mama's boys....the hope is that real religion ,real relationship with God can restore the lions roar...at least that is my impossible dream.Christmas with both my child hood male role models and their fates as old men now leaves me thinking along these lines...Great men are really great christians all else are really small no matter what the world thinks of them...so what was it you were saying in your blog.Well any way I hope I still have my closet cleaning job....from your friend stevie the ??????Closet fairy?????Lord help us all Love ya
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