The next time someone complains about saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, ask them to hand you a newspaper. Tell them to check the date at the top of the page and ask them... "how did they come up with that date?" The answer is obvious, it was Merry CHRISTmas long before anyone tried to get rid of the reason for the season by calling it Happy Holidays.
Need some help? Today is December 11, 2006 A.D. Here is what the Wikipedia says about these two letters... Anno Domini (Latin: "In the year of (Our) Lord"), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. ( Although not adopted till 525 A.D. or popularized in Western Europe until the eighth century, the reason it was adopted has to do with the influence of Christ upon the world. Look at the other end of our calendar, B.C., what do you suppose that stands for? BEFORE CHRIST. We measure backwards and forwards from this man's life.
It's interesting, we don't say 1400 A.M., After Mohammed or because he lived 1400 or so years ago. There is no other person in history that we use to date our newspapers and calendars. Now I know that some of you more educated objectors may say that C.E. or B.C.E. But that does not change the fact that historians, even non Christian, record the life of Christ and the effect he had on their societies.
Even science, until recently, dated their erroneous ages for the earth and it's occupants in terms of B.C., I.E. Extinct volcano's are listed in how many years B.C. since their last eruption.
I know that some people will never stop arguing this side of eternity, but it's because they have chosen to be blind, and all this because of a little child in a manger that came to "save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21).
Make sure you're in touch with the gift of Christmas, if not, e-mail me, call a friend who is a Christian or go to a local church. Get your curiosity satisfied.
Hey, only 14 days till Christmas, guys, only 12 more days until you have to start shopping...
Rambling with eyes on the babe in a stable, which stabilizes my life regardless of how crazy it seems to get..

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