Have you ever done something and knew it was wrong? Dumb question isn't it. We have all found ourselves in compromising situations. some more than others, but all across the line. It's the nature of the beast, one desire after another, some fairly safe, but some, well I don't have to tell you, you're probably thinking of it right now.
What does a sin, a star and and a cross have in common. YOU and ME. Behold, each of them are about us... The first was before we were born but put on us at our birth, the second is his birth which was because of his love for us, the third our chance for a second birth. Because we are guilty he had to come and do what no animal sacrifice could do.
I saw this on the front of one of the Christmas cards I received at my office... He came to pay a debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt we couldn't pay. Can't think of a better Christmas summary than that, can you?
By the way, it was a GI Joe headquarters, it was 4:30 AM (as best as my 45 year old

Hey, what are you wishing for this Christmas? I thought that might be it... Can I tell you something? I hope you get it too! Can I ask you to help me have a Merry Christmas? Take a few moments and contemplate what life would be like if Jesus had not come. Then think about how he did, leaving all heaven behind him, why, so you could have the best present in the world... His forgiveness and a reservation in the best resort ever built. Do me a favor, take a moment and accept the best Christmas present ever, eternal life, it's free for the asking and if you sense

If you're guilty like I am (don't kid yourself, you are), then you need a good present...
Here's hoping you have the gift or are now opening it...
Tell me if you do...
Is that a picture of your GI Joe Headquarters?? You still have it?
I don't have the GI Joe HQ, it's a picture I found in the internet.
I bet if you look in your Mom's basement you may be able to find pieces of it. Just a thought....
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