Thursday, October 16, 2014

Snipits of Grace, what's in a letter... "G"

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
2 Thessalonians 3:18

It's hard to express Grace. Some have used acronyms to suggest it's meaning, God's Riches At Christ's Expense is one of the most commonly used.
But what is grace?
Before you get your "religious" answer out and say God's unmerited (or some use unearned) favor, rest your Sunday School lessons and give your tired brain a break.
No acronym or one sentence phrase can truly describe it.
As a matter of fact, when I felt led to write about it, it's because of my experience of Grace, not my education.

I am a recipient of Grace.
I am blessed to not only know of the Grace of God from the Savior, but from those who I love and whom love me. It's great to have that. I have fallen short a few times (a few more than I am willing to share openly with all, but take my word for it, some know)
My question do you know Grace?
Since I have been given Grace by God and those who understand it's power as believers, It is my prayer, that in some limited way, you will understand Grace.

That you would comprehend GRACE in a little more depth through these next five posts

Let me share, using as many an acrostic, my thoughts on Grace.

They may not be complete, but then I don't think I will understand what complete Grace is until I experience the life after this one in the presence of life's greatest Grace giver.

Let's look at G R A C E...

Today let's start with the letter G

G = Giving more than anyone else ever thought of giving...

When you think of how much was given to us as humans, you will see that God's grace is a giving grace.
When I got up this morning, I was able to see, grace. when I got up this morning I was able to breath. I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner today, most of us did. but those are small graces, some of which not all can enjoy.
But the largest of graces, God's Son. He was at the right hand side of the Father and he chose, yes chose (see Philippians 2:3-8) to leave it for you and I.

Add skin and he was stuck in the human condition so he could face the things we face and understand them on our level (Hebrews 4:14-16)
Then as if it was not enough, he allowed, yes allowed others to accuse, beat, batter, gossip, spit, pluck hair from his body and then allowed himself to be crucified as a common criminal.
Life, totally sacrificed.
And for only one reason.

For God so loved the world that he.... GAVE...

Grace is giving, and you may wonder who he GAVE for...
Look in the mirror and you'll know.
Rambling on about G R A C E...
Till next time...