Friday, October 17, 2014

Snipits of Grace... The letter "R"

In our last visit we looked at grace from the point of view of giving. 

Grace is giving.  That covers the first aspect of grace, the "G" of grace.

Now let's visit the "R"...

R = Running to places no one else would ever go...

Have you seen some of the places Jesus shows up...
How about a wedding?
What about by a well?
What about to a church where everyone was suspect?
On a ship in a storm, of course he came by water (literally, he even walked on it).
What about Gadara that was a great stop!
And then there's that little stop in Bethany, boy did he get an ear full over that one.
One stop the deceiver tried his luck but just like all the other places Jesus went, He shined. Shined in the dark and in the light, in the rain and in the sun.
He was the same in church as he was sitting at the marriage table with a couple celebrating.
Every place, Grace.
Why? I like Max Lucado's take, "Because he loved people."
It's why he went where he went and why the next letter says so much.
It's why he showed up in a little church in Pontiac Michigan one day.
It's may seem amazing to you, he may have visited a place you were in one day, do you remember?
Grace, from the perspective of the "R", and in our next encounter, we'll see grace as it it most known...
Till next time...

Check out this song with a similar message...


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