Have you had questions about what your church is really accomplishing?
Would you say that some of the people in your church like it and some of the people don't?
In the day we live in I believe we've reached the ultimate church age. There are more churches to choose from than there are churches. Seeker, Holiness, Worship Giants, Musically Talented, Exegetical, Topical, Fun, Boring, Excited, Discouraged, Wanting, Reaching, Holding, Ministering, Hurting, Helping, Curing, Causing Harm, the Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Please no comments or suggestions for which fits where.
Some have preachers that have studied themselves into a stupor, others went on the Internet and got their credentials for $14.95 and a return envelope.
So a couple of weeks ago a question came to me that I had never pondered, and I have been meditating on it on and off since.
On Monday and Tuesday while I was at a conference, my free time was spent contemplating the implications of this question. What I came away with was a journey, not completed may I add, and therefore I believe by God's prompting I am to share my wandering steps here. I ask that you will join me in the chase of truth.
I can't promise you I'll come to a conclusion soon, I only ask for your prayers as I study and pray that God will help me to muddle through my prejudice and pride to come clearly to the other side of a wide chasm of temptation for many Christians who strive to find the "church God wants them to attend."
Be patient, I, like you, have life grab me by the lapel and call for my attention so my study suffers just like any other person on the trek to understanding God's word. But I believe this question shouts at us today. I believe I've always had a portion of the answer to this question but I never had it come down so heavy on me before. I know that God works in all things, so this heaviness and all the trial that comes with it, is for His purpose. Pray that I know how to step out of the way and let His light shine.
By this time you may be tiring and wondering will I ever share the question?
My heart says...
Stay tuned...
Till next time...
Don't quite know what you are getting at but have some ideas.
My first impression when I read your blog was this.............What is a church. A CHURCH is a buildig, THE CHURCH are the truely born again believers. So gotta keep that one straight.
Now knowing you for so many years when you were just a "kid" and also being raised in the good ole Michigan Midwest and then moving to North Carolina. I found out very quickly that there are as many Baptist churches on every corner (as well as other denominations) as there are bodies of water on every corner in Michigan. I often wonder how many of these folks in "A church" are really a part of THE CHURCH!
Food for thought maybe?
Have you been reading my email again?
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