I'll leave it there, but only for this entry. What is it about us today that makes our hearts wonder about the life of "church". Well, let's take a moment and define the term used in the question and compare it to the one many may have imagined.
The term in the "QUESTION THAT BEGS AN ANSWER" is nothing more than the physical church that you go to every Sunday. Now, by saying this I am not indicating that I believe my church, or yours, is dead. What I had is a question, one which now exercises my mind to step away from my "traditions" and ask myself what would God say to a generation arguing over what "worship" means or what "service" means.
Whether you like it or not, every church, may I repeat, every church has at it's core this debate of what we're supposed to "look like". WE believe that if we answer this question we'll make our church alive. The sad part is that we miss what we're really to look like.
Let me use an example. In Matthew 25 Jesus, when separating the goats (dead) from the sheep (live), he said this... "I was __________ and you __________." At that point, both the goats and the sheep asked Jesus the same question. Note these phrases, " "Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you _____________ and ___________." the process starts with verse 37 then the same phrase in verse 44 "Then they also (goats) will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You ___________ and ____________."
Note this similarity in wonder found in both groups but with much different results, one group is commended and the other condemned. But look beyond that and you will see that neither recognized Jesus, both had to ask him when they "did something" for him. What does that tell me? You may want to look at who you are willing to "do something" for to see whether you're alive or dead. When you begin to reflect on this, you'll be headed on the right path towards the answer to the question that begs and answer.
Study and pray over this passage (Matthew 25:31-46) and ask the Holy Spirit to begin showing you where you are missing him in your quest for "live" or "dead." It may have more to do with what's going on "outside" rather than "inside" your building.
Coming up next, questions about the question, they are going to be challenging, so spend some time in prayer and in scripture, it's where God reveals himself. Think less for a moment so you can begin to think more later, after "those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Hebrews 5:14b KJV). Good luck on that exercise program.
Till Next Time, Do Not Be Discouraged In The Quest...
And let us not get tired of well-doing; for at the right time we will get in the grain, if we do not give way to weariness. (Galatians 6:9 BBE)
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