Have you completed your reading assignment?
If not, here's a chance to catch up before we visit the dry bones...
The hand of the Lord had been on me, and he took me out in the spirit of the Lord and put me down in the middle of the valley; and it was full of bones; And he made me go past them round about: and I saw that there was a very great number of them on the face of the wide valley, and they were very dry. And he said to me, Son of man, is it possible for these bones to come to life? And I made answer, and said, It is for you to say, O Lord. And again he said to me, Be a prophet to these bones, and say to them, O you dry bones, give ear to the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord has said to these bones: See, I will make breath come into you so that you may come to life; And I will put muscles on you and make flesh come on you, and put skin over you, and breath into you, so that you may have life; and you will be certain that I am the Lord. So I gave the word as I was ordered: and at my words there was a shaking of the earth, and the bones came together, bone to bone. And looking I saw that there were muscles on them and flesh came up, and they were covered with skin: but there was no breath in them. And he said to me, Be a prophet to the wind, be a prophet, son of man, and say to the wind, The Lord has said: Come from the four winds, O wind, breathing on these dead so that they may come to life. And I gave the word at his orders, and breath came into them, and they came to life and got up on their feet, a very great army. Then he said to me, Son of man, these bones are all the children of Israel: and see, they are saying, Our bones have become dry our hope is gone, we are cut off completely. For this cause be a prophet to them, and say, This is what the Lord has said: See, I am opening the resting-places of your dead, and I will make you come up out of your resting-places, O my people; and I will take you into the land of Israel. And you will be certain that I am the Lord by my opening the resting-places of your dead and making you come up out of your resting-places, O my people. And I will put my spirit in you, so that you may come to life, and I will give you a rest in your land: and you will be certain that I the Lord have said it and have done it, says the Lord. (Ezekiel 37:1-14 BBE)
Just a reminder, I need them from time to time...
For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:4-6 NKJV)
In case you think Old Testament passages are not for you and I today...
Until Next Time....
Pleaseant reading...
"Ramblings" is an outlet for my thinking, I hope it makes you think as well.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Lord does not delay his
promise, as some account of delay,
but is longsuffering towards you,
not willing that any should
perish, but that all should
come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
OK, now I know there are people from all backgrounds reading the entries on this blog. As such I am about to ask you to do me and you a big favor, especially if you are prone to argument for the sake of winning...
Here's my request, put away the claws...
Your "My doctrine is better than yours" claws...
Your "If you only understood" claws...
Your "Unable to see clearly when you disagree with someone" claws...
Now there, we can proceed. Now let's see why I am wanting you to put those nasty sharp statements, judgements and overbearing speech for the sake of the "dead".
You may not agree, but I think I've got some ammo for the next statement...
Every person who knows Christ as savior, trusting him to bring life here and life everlasting, share beliefs that 80%-90% of all other Christians hold. These basics of the faith are so apparent in Scripture there is little you can do to argue against them (in most cases no room for movement, that is unless you lack these foundational beliefs). Let's take a quick look so that we are all on the same page...
~The Bible is inerrant, misunderstood and often attacked, but inerrant none the less. It has survived by God's grace. (Just a side note, if you were to burn all the Bibles in the world, you could reassemble all of it but few verses just by looking at historical documents that have used scripture in their addresses to others.)
~Jesus was a real person who lived on the earth, died and rose again from the dead.
~Jesus was, as he claimed clearly, the Son of God, God in flesh. "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father" is what he said. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. A mystery that only He understands but one that we'll totally grasp in heaven.
~Jesus claimed to be the only way to heaven (Jn. 14:6).
~As a Christian, you are called to love others, even those who are your enemy.
~Christians are to share the gospel, this is the call of all not just church leaders.
Christians as called to live holy before God, not to take their position in Christ for granted.
~Christians are called to pray, read scripture and care for other believers
~As a believer in Christ, I am to be salt, light and witness to the world of Christ's love and sacrifice so others will be drawn to him as he is lifted up.
I pray this serves to remind all of us, we didn't get this "salvation" on our own, it was by Christ's gift, therefore, don't waste the gift walking on other believers just because you spent too much time studying church doctrine and not enough time living Bible principles.
NOW to the subject at hand, SITTING UP WITH THE DEAD. I want to give you a list (not exhaustive by any means) when God/Jesus visited the "dead"...
...The widow's son
...Son of the Shumanite
...The church that he called dead
...The widow at Zarephath son
...Jairus's daughter
...dead man who touched Elisha's bones
...Don't forget Lazarus
...Saints at the time of the resurrection
...What about the Pharisees, "outwardly look beautiful, but full of dead men's bones"
...As saved people, we were "dead in sin"
...Jesus spoke of his own death and resurrection, then he came out of the grave (should be our favorite time He visited death, it means eternity to us that he did)
...Last and certainly not least, my Old Testament favorite, Ezekiel and the dry bones.
Let me finish there, take the weekend and read this treasure, it's found in Ezekiel Chapter 37.
We'll visit this passage next week.
Till then, happy reading.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Oh Ramble On, Ramble On...

Anyone besides me ever have timing problems? I remember my days of playing baseball in High School. Our coach used to teach us how to bunt, specifically it was the "squeeze play" that got me in trouble the most. You see, you're not supposed to "tip your hand" when you are attempting to bring a man in from third with a suicide bunt. It means just what it sounds like, you are throwing away your turn at bat for the sake of scoring a run. If you turn too soon, it allows the infield to react and puts the runner at risk. Hold out till the last minute and your timing comes in to play. Get it wrong and not only could you be out, but you could leave the runner stranded like a sitting duck for a double play.
Why all the baseball talk? Well, last night I wanted to pass along a thought that occurred to me while I was sitting harmlessly reading a book. I was so excited that not only did I tip my hand and tell you I was going to give you "Questions about the Questions" but after I awoke today, I realized that some of my "ramblings" didn't even make sense. (please no comments from those who are now loading their quick quip guns) I got all pumped up and blew the squeeze play. To top it off, after reading yesterday's contribution, I now know it would have been better if I'd have waited to share it after this entry. So, since I have made a fool of myself many times (again, put away the guns) I thought, duh Bill, why not just admit it and go on, after all, the questions are really thought provoking.
SOOOOOO, here it goes...
These questions are about the question and as such hopefully will help us all come to a better answer of the question (you may want to read that again)...
If my church (or any church) is dead, who is dead?
If I don’t know who is dead, how do I know it’s dead?
If I don’t know who is dead, how do I know it’s dead?
If I don’t know it’s dead, am I dead?
If I don’t know it’s dead, am I dead?
If my church is dead, what killed it?
If my church is dead, what killed it?
Is death always a bad thing?
Is death always a bad thing?
Why am I currently thinking of my church (or some other) as dead?
Why am I currently thinking of my church (or some other) as dead?
When did I first notice that it was dead?
When did I first notice that it was dead?
Why did it take me so long to come to that conclusion?
Why did it take me so long to come to that conclusion?
When I say dead, what do I really mean?
When I say dead, what do I really mean?
If I think a church (my own or other) is dead, is it my preference that clouds my vision?
What does God do with dead things?
Last but not least, what is God doing in your life with "The Question That Begs An Answer"?
Well, there you have it, more questions, more opportunity for growth, more...
The rest is coming soon, and I'm really getting excited about my visit to Red Lobster, stay tuned...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'll leave it there, but only for this entry. What is it about us today that makes our hearts wonder about the life of "church". Well, let's take a moment and define the term used in the question and compare it to the one many may have imagined.
The term in the "QUESTION THAT BEGS AN ANSWER" is nothing more than the physical church that you go to every Sunday. Now, by saying this I am not indicating that I believe my church, or yours, is dead. What I had is a question, one which now exercises my mind to step away from my "traditions" and ask myself what would God say to a generation arguing over what "worship" means or what "service" means.
Whether you like it or not, every church, may I repeat, every church has at it's core this debate of what we're supposed to "look like". WE believe that if we answer this question we'll make our church alive. The sad part is that we miss what we're really to look like.
Let me use an example. In Matthew 25 Jesus, when separating the goats (dead) from the sheep (live), he said this... "I was __________ and you __________." At that point, both the goats and the sheep asked Jesus the same question. Note these phrases, " "Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you _____________ and ___________." the process starts with verse 37 then the same phrase in verse 44 "Then they also (goats) will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You ___________ and ____________."
Note this similarity in wonder found in both groups but with much different results, one group is commended and the other condemned. But look beyond that and you will see that neither recognized Jesus, both had to ask him when they "did something" for him. What does that tell me? You may want to look at who you are willing to "do something" for to see whether you're alive or dead. When you begin to reflect on this, you'll be headed on the right path towards the answer to the question that begs and answer.
Study and pray over this passage (Matthew 25:31-46) and ask the Holy Spirit to begin showing you where you are missing him in your quest for "live" or "dead." It may have more to do with what's going on "outside" rather than "inside" your building.
Coming up next, questions about the question, they are going to be challenging, so spend some time in prayer and in scripture, it's where God reveals himself. Think less for a moment so you can begin to think more later, after "those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Hebrews 5:14b KJV). Good luck on that exercise program.
Till Next Time, Do Not Be Discouraged In The Quest...
And let us not get tired of well-doing; for at the right time we will get in the grain, if we do not give way to weariness. (Galatians 6:9 BBE)
Dear Friends in Blogland...
I have not abandoned the quest, I just have not had time to compile the next step of our jouney. Will be visiting you soon.
I have not abandoned the quest, I just have not had time to compile the next step of our jouney. Will be visiting you soon.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I've been to my cousins site again, look at the outcome...
Your Monster Profile |
You Feast On: Power Bars You Lurk Around In: Public Restrooms You Especially Like to Torment: Cops |
I'm not sure what this thing is all about, I just know that every time we go out to eat I have to go to the bathroom within the first 10 minutes of our arrival.
I find it funny, I used to be a chaplain with the Sheriff's Departmen, look out cops?
The only power bars I eat are candy bars...
Come Join Us In This Mindless Fun...
Friday, March 16, 2007

First, a word of thanks for all who have responded to the blog, I appreciate your insight.
Well, my first installment has met with some interesting interaction.
Have you ever tried to put thread through the eye of a needle. It seems this task was much easier when I was younger with better dexterity of digits and plainer sight. I also thought that I had all the answers of life at that age as well. "If I can thread a needle, then surely I'll find the one in the haystack." Nothing, I mean nothing (that was despite my statements of humility) seemed beyond my reach. I was, as the old proverbial statement goes, "Invincible." I wish that were true, little did I know that time and the exercise of living would show me my ignorance.
How do you know when all is well? When will you come to the place that you will ask no questions? Is there a resting place for the heart that wanders or wearies? I say yes though often I feel no!
The question, you may protest, what is the QUESTION !!
Don't let my weird sense of humor enrage you as I say, "I'm glad you asked."
As you ponder this question, please do not rush to any answer, for it is not an easy question, nor will the Lord allow you to be rash in your response. Take it in, breath deeply and let it digest before you chase aimlessly through tall weeds of hurt or the closely cut grass of arrogance.
Here it is...
Take it in slowly...
Be wary of your darker side...
Would God ever call you to attend a dead church?
(if you fast forwarded to the question, you've missed much, go back and read or you'll be found wanting)
There, now I've asked it, now, do not leave me alone in my quest, visit the next time when we will take in a meal from this smorgasbord of thought.
I do not wish to offend, but please do not rush to answer nor send me quick quips, instead, let it set in the belly of your mind. Make no rash judgements as to what I am trying to say, you may be found quite taken with the thoughts I will share along this journey. So for now, ask away, but only ask yourself. The answer begins there.
Till Next Time...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A Question That Begs An Answer...

Have you had questions about what your church is really accomplishing?
Would you say that some of the people in your church like it and some of the people don't?
In the day we live in I believe we've reached the ultimate church age. There are more churches to choose from than there are churches. Seeker, Holiness, Worship Giants, Musically Talented, Exegetical, Topical, Fun, Boring, Excited, Discouraged, Wanting, Reaching, Holding, Ministering, Hurting, Helping, Curing, Causing Harm, the Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Please no comments or suggestions for which fits where.
Some have preachers that have studied themselves into a stupor, others went on the Internet and got their credentials for $14.95 and a return envelope.
So a couple of weeks ago a question came to me that I had never pondered, and I have been meditating on it on and off since.
On Monday and Tuesday while I was at a conference, my free time was spent contemplating the implications of this question. What I came away with was a journey, not completed may I add, and therefore I believe by God's prompting I am to share my wandering steps here. I ask that you will join me in the chase of truth.
I can't promise you I'll come to a conclusion soon, I only ask for your prayers as I study and pray that God will help me to muddle through my prejudice and pride to come clearly to the other side of a wide chasm of temptation for many Christians who strive to find the "church God wants them to attend."
Be patient, I, like you, have life grab me by the lapel and call for my attention so my study suffers just like any other person on the trek to understanding God's word. But I believe this question shouts at us today. I believe I've always had a portion of the answer to this question but I never had it come down so heavy on me before. I know that God works in all things, so this heaviness and all the trial that comes with it, is for His purpose. Pray that I know how to step out of the way and let His light shine.
By this time you may be tiring and wondering will I ever share the question?
My heart says...
Stay tuned...
Till next time...
Monday, March 12, 2007
It's all in the way you say it...

INDY... Crossroads of America... Hoosierland Capitol... Indianapolis...
God didn't make little green apple and it don't rain in Indianapolis in the .....
If you can finish that you're probably as mature as I am... ( A nice way to say "old" )
Hello from beautiful downtown Indianapolis, I am having a great time !! I am attending a conference here and the time has been very helpful. Now, some of the "speakers" are not what I would call 6X9 window blowing great (again, a blast from the past for those who remember a time before sub woofers). But thank the Lord, there are some with fire in their sole and a passion on their lips for helping others...
Remember, if you want others to notice what your heart yearns for let your words burn an image in their minds, if not, then maybe you'd better hire a professional...
Like the guy in the Geico Commercials...
Click here if you're not sure what I'm talking about...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
The Rest Of The Story...
Hey, before all of you call a mental health professional, check out the comments on my Seasame Street personality entry from a couple of days ago...
As the title says, I went to me cousin's blog and I took this personality test, you can see her's at http://thejannettes.blogspot.com/. Thought you might get a good laugh out it.
Have a blessed day!!
As the title says, I went to me cousin's blog and I took this personality test, you can see her's at http://thejannettes.blogspot.com/. Thought you might get a good laugh out it.
Have a blessed day!!
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