Tuesday, April 17, 2007


If you've seen the news you know the sad circumstances at Virginia Tech. For those of us who know the worth and power of prayer, I call you together, take a moment, now if you can, and say a prayer for these families. As the father of two college students, I can't imagine my response if it happened on their campus.
If you need help, wondering what to pray for, here are some suggestions...
...Families whose child has been killed, pray for the grief, anger and bitterness and other difficult emotions that can come out of this type of tragedy.
...Law enforcement, there is nothing more daunting that a high profile case with media on one side, legislatures on another side and grieving families, all who want answers you may not be able to give.
...School officials, a burden this great will change their lives, maybe their careers.
...Peace, God is the only one who can handle this or any other tragedy in our lives and give peace to those who are going through a dark valley.
I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 BBE)
Keep a card on your desk or in your pocket to remind you to pray for these individuals.
Thanks for caring enough to pray.

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