This morning I was reading from a devotional by Jason Cruise, these words rang so true, I thought maybe you'd like to share in their truth...
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind," ~Romans 12:2
"We've all got our last nerve, that raw place where people don't know how sensitive we are to something until they step on it. I try not to have many places in my heart where a last nerve resides bare and exposed. Even still, I'd be lying if I said there were no open spots in my life where I can go from zero to 60 on the speedometer of angry.
One such place is when I must put up with a person who has proven, over and over again, that he has embraced a bad attitude as his choice for living. I realize that every one of us will have seasons (actually more than once if we live long enough) when our attitude is broken down like an old truck on the side of the road.
Here's the issue: life can and will bring all kinds of stuff my
way to quickly attack my attitude. The problem is, attitude affects everything. Attitude is the game changer, but it changes the game only in ways I allow or want it to be changed.
When Jesus changes a heart, He infects the whole person. His cosmic grace, power, strength, and joy soak through our spiritual and emotional DNA with no strand uncovered. My attitude is my witness to a lost and dying world that my joy, hope, and my grace for living out each and every situation are not up for sale to the highest bidder or circumstance."
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