You may be unaware, but I have found that the world is full of experts. I am privy to them at breakfast each day. Men who have sat for hours contemplating the ins and outs of foreign policy and determining the morals that all others should be aware of.
Now, as you read that last paragraph I hope you realize that it is tongue and cheek.
That these men are mere mortals and their lives are actually enhanced by the time they spend together "sharing". Although I believe their conversation could be more productive on many occasions, I am sure they would think I should spend my time in more product activities besides sitting and typing a silly article about their social behavior.
All the commentary on life set aside, I want to share a few thoughts. Thoughts that come to mind when I am sitting in a McDonald's or Arby's or any other place where food and conversation coexist.
Here are some spiritual thoughts I have from time to time as I go about my morning routine...
These may not be original, or maybe they are, I will let you be the judge...
~Everyone should have to work behind the counter of a food business. To do so would help us understand the effects of our condescending attitudes about the value of the person behind the counter.
~If we would wait in line at McDonald's the way we wait in line for lottery tickets, we'd have a much nicer place to live. We'd also begin to get a reality check, people are more important than any pursuit or schedule.
~Paying for the person's meal behind you drive-thru might make you feel good, but if it leads to pride, it's still a wasted act. That includes doing it so you can use it as an illustration of being a good "(you fill it in)" at some devotion, presentation or sermon. Value diminished, if not lost.
~When the person behind the counter "gives" you a penny so you won't get a handful of change yourself, it may not hurt to act like they've done you a million dollar favor. It may also be the only time that day they get any true appreciation. After all, if you are like me, I hate having a pocket full of change because the total had an .01 in it. 0.99 cents in my pocket doesn't make me feel like I'm rich, it makes me feel like I am a wind chime.
~IF and I mean IF, you are thinking about having a real deep theological conversation, you may want to reevaluate that thought. The people next to you are probably not going to appreciate you spending 2 hours discussing the fine points of justification, propitiation, abominations or end times. (Although, I am sure, you have figured out the "code" and know that Obama is the ushering in of something).
~I am sure the waiter/waitress you had this morning/afternoon/evening could use some kindness and grace from you instead of your grumpy Christian attitude. I know you think that the whole world should know about your eschatology (go ahead and look it up, I had to), but.... It's not true
~For a finale, how about this. Standing in line at any fast food restaurant is an exercise in patience, so learn don't burn (anger for those who are wondering about the meaning). Having your order brought to you late or wrong by the waiter/waitress is an exercise in kindness... Let's pass it on the next time we have the opportunity. You may even want to study for the test (my study place is prayer, I even hope that doesn't come off as pious, I have enough trouble as it is.)
So, what about you? Want to join me in a little discipline for the soul?
Get up and get ready for the your next restaurant adventure and then sing this little ditty...
"this little light of mine...."
If you need the rest of the words, Google it!
Till next time...
BINGO!!! You are a man after my own heartboss...I love it. In fact, I have said a few of these in my classes...thank you!
And smile!
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