Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Words... Power...

I love reading Max Lucado, he has words many wish they had, including me...

God has blessed him with what I call "common" words which make each heart that reads them rich.  It especially makes the hearts of those who are thirsty for hope and encouragement leap...

Read this little tidbit from his pen:

Great acts of faith are seldom born out of calculation. 

It wasn’t logic that caused Moses to raise his staff on the bank of the Red Sea.

It wasn’t medical research that convinced Naaman to dip seven times in the river.

It wasn’t common sense that caused Paul to abandon the law and embrace grace.

And it wasn’t a confident committee that prayed in a small room in Jerusalem for Peter’s release from prison. 

It was a fearful, desperate, and of backed into a corner believers. It was a church with no options. 

A congregation of have-nots pleading for help.

And never were they stronger.

At the beginning of every act of faith, there is often a seed of fear.

See, I told you!

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