Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Believe In Christmas...

Believe in Christmas

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. Since it is a great time, we have a number of things that add a sense of awe to festivities.  We have movies, songs, food, gifts, even special church services that bring us warm hearts.   I see these as a reminder that even though the world as a whole does not profess the purpose of Jesus, they unknowingly acknowledge his presence on earth with these celebrations.  After all, how many other holidays do we start celebrating and selling for 2+ months in advance other than Christmas.

Here is the greatest thing, all of these holiday items, as misplaced as some of them may be, brings the story of Jesus front and center each year for anyone and everyone to think about.  And if you peel back the layers of traditions, commercials and cute stories about reindeer and snowmen, you will observe that it was a night much like any other that started all the fuss in the first place.  A night that became spectacular and world changing.

As you awake Christmas morning you may not be celebrating Jesus’ birth.  Despite the way some who do believe and follow Jesus have treated you, I want to assure you that most are not trying to be offensive, please see beyond them to the wonderful spirit of this amazing holiday.  It could be that you are not sure of what Jesus was and is about. You may have questions or doubts.  I must admit that despite nearly 40 years of attending church, I too have had my fair share of faith challenges, questions and doubt.

Some of us who claim to follow Christianity know a lot of things about Jesus, the babe born in a manger, others of us know less. One thing is certain, regardless of training or study we don’t know all there is to know about Jesus.  As a matter of fact, The Apostle John, one of Jesus’ disciples, tells in a manuscript he wrote we call the gospel of John, Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book… Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (St. John 20:30, 21:31)  So by the admission of one of Jesus’ closest friends and followers, there are parts of Jesus’ life that is not recorded.  But then John shares his motive for documenting Jesus’ activity, again from his eyewitness account, This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down… these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God”  (St. John 21:24, 20:31)  Since John was a believer, and he himself didn’t know everything or didn’t even attempt to write down all he did know, he found no problem to placing faith in Christ, because of what he had seen.

I invite you this Christmas morn, to take a moment and realize you are celebrating because of a babe born in a manger, which the entire world, including countries where Christianity is outlawed, is celebrating some part of on this day.  Why?  Because Christmas is a fact of history.   As a matter of fact, the very date on this newspaper is such because of that night in a little town called Bethlehem.

So, I invite you to pause and contemplate, let Christmas become a change of heart not just an exchange of gifts.  For just a moment set aside all the extras and take a look at the real story of a historical figure.  Don’t settle for a short changed celebration; take a look, one more time, into the stable.  See the child there in the hay on a manger.  And believe in Christmas.  If you do, you will never settle for just the trimmings ever again.


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