Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Morning, Eeyore and the devil...



Pen in hand…


Devotion book open..



Uh Oh…

This morning I woke up discouraged.  You may know what I’m talking about.  A couple of weeks of a busy schedule with a little frustration added in and a pinch of undone chores and a spoonful of lack of sleep.

The recipe is never the same, the packaged snack is.  It hits you when you least seem ready for it and even your best laid plans for its arrival can seem useless.

So it comes…

It visits and begins to unpack its suitcase...

The contents are familiar, but they are nonetheless effective…

The first question hits… “What about that _______________ project, was it your best effort?”  Second guessing lodges, your heart wonders and so do you.

Next in line are the simple ponderings of doubt, its questions can be unending…  “maybe you have made God angry”, “you will never amount to anything”, “if you only made better decisions”, “you’re not qualified” there are thousands of these questions and the list may be running around inside of your mind as you read this.

Hurt crawls over the edge of the overnight case and slithers it’s way to your heart and the next thing you know you are upset, with yourself, with others, with those you love, or just those in the vehicle in front of you on the way to work.  The results are always the same, anger, mistrust, sharp words and a hesitation to love.

These elements of discouragement are not a complete list, I’ve seen heavier and lighter luggage, but regardless of the content, the outcome seems to be similar…


The devotion passage that dredged this little rambling up?  …“the devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat.” (I Peter 5:8 NCV)  

I have found that satan has a keen sense of smell and my busy, chore filled, frustrated, hurt, tired world has left a wound that is bleeding.  So, whether I wanted to or not, I bleed.  Sometimes I’m the cause of the injury, other times the abrasions are the result of human interaction, either way, the blood is spilled and the carnivore senses an opportunity, discouragement sets in as quickly as the weariness.

But, this morning, not even by design but by grace, my mind found a weapon to ward off the lurking fanged fiend.   If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:29 CEV). It’s a verse that actually come to me from my study in the middle of the night last night, it meant very little to me while I was “wide awake” at 3 am awaiting the sleepiness to return so an hour or two of sleep could be grasped before the alarm shocked me into Monday morning.  But right now, as I sit reading this little devotion about satan and his devouring ways, it jumps up and down and reminds me of a counterattack.

The next verse in the devotion, seals the deal, “refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith.”  (I Peter 5:9 NCV).  Stand strong?  Not me!  Not this morning!  Not in this state of mind!  But Jesus, that’s another issue. 

He says “come”.

I run. 

He says “weary?” 

I say yes. 

He asks “life heavy?” 

You bet Lord! 
He speaks to my heart… “REST”…

Mmmmm  that’s nice.  Lord, what is that warm breeze I feel.
 “My love”.  
Can I have an extra portion of that?

“Sure, I’ve got plenty!” 
“My Grace is sufficient…”

Thanks Lord… 

“You’re welcome child”

I think I might be ready for Monday…

Oh by the way Lord, I forgot this again, will you come with me…

Child, “I will never leave you…”

Thanks Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't always start my day like this, sometimes I run away from him, but as always I have to come back and ask again for his grace n mercy, thank you for not leaving me!