I knew what I wanted. I had one of them in my hand so I did not get it wrong. Up one then down another. Surely there is some rhyme or reason in this place. Can someone help me! This is getting frustrating!! Where in all these could they have hidden it!!!
I have to say that some days shopping is for the mentally flexible. Just recently I was trying to purchase one simple bottle of Super Omega 3 Oil supplements (they say they're good for your cholesterol, I hope so because they leave a terrible aftertaste). I had the old bottle in my possession. I must have looked like a tourist (minus the camera), waltzing up and down the vitamin isle talking to myself. Just when I was about to throw my hands up in the air and explode in a loud sigh... "Can I help you find something?"
The voice seemed knowledgeable so I answered as any lost male SHOULD answer when he is lost... "yes, I'm looking for these". It was the brand name of the store I was shopping in. There he goes, hot on the trail of my missed bottle of life saving nutritional supplement. Like a blood hound in woods full of stuff to smell (you use your imagination, I don't want any trouble), he was off to the search and guess what? HE COULDN'T FIND THEM EITHER!! "I'm not sure we carry them" he quips. Can we say "Blind As A Bat" all together now!!!

I was almost distraught at this point (almost as distraught as the kid in the picture), this would be the second company that has discontinued these much needed, health enhancing, nutrient building capsules of miracle grow (for the short man in me). I nearly sat down and cried right there.
Just as I was about to give up all hope of having a healthy heart, good blood pressure, less lipids in my vein soup and there she came. The Knight-ette in shiny smock, well as shiny as white can be. She asked the young man what he was looking for, he turned to me as if I had not talked to him in the last 15 minutes. I held up the bottle with a small pout on my face. "Right Here!" Hallelujah!! I shouted to the top of my lungs (OK, I lied, I just smiled and sighed in relief). Right in front of us, on the bottom shelf, not in the section that contained Omega Oils, was the glorious bottle. I was at last in hope of a future with little fishy oils swimming in my blood stream. It was interesting, I couldn't find them because they were not where they would logically be. The young man trying to assist me could not find them, even though he was an employee, it made no sense to him either. But the white coated wonder knew exactly where to go and took us there immediately. Why, she had knowledge of the product placement because she worked in that department.
Now, let me challenge you in our last few moments together (hopefully you haven't' tuned out yet). There was a place much like this in Jesus' life. You'll find it in John 7... Therefore many from the crowd, when they heard this saying, said, "Truly this is the Prophet." Others said, "This is the Christ." But some said, "Will the Christ come out of Galilee? "Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?" (John 7:40-42 NKJV) . They saw the miracles and wondered, is he really the person he seems to be? But their expectations of finding the Savior where shot down when they heard someone say "he's from Galilee". "Isn't the messiah supposed to be from Bethlehem" they said. But much to their amazement, HE WAS FROM BETHLEHEM. But since they were, much like you and I, blind as a bat, they missed the deity because the messed up the details.
Let me ask you, have missed the savior because of your sight? Are you, like me, often enamoured by the miracles but miss the messiah? Maybe you've been amazed at the power but missed the person.
Take a moment today, go back through John Chapter 7, read it through carefully. He gave them plenty of clues... "Then the Jews were surprised and said, How has this man got knowledge of books? He has never been to school." (John 7:15 BBE), "And here he is talking openly and they say nothing to him! Is it possible that the rulers have knowledge that this is truly the Christ?" (John 7:26 BBE) , "..No man ever said things like this man. (John 7:46 BBE)
I pray you come away seeing the Christ and trust him with what ever is ailing you.
Rambling in the cold of winter winds, on my way home to start a fire and hope I don't burn the house down (old joke for those who know me)
Till Next Time,
God Bless
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