Hey out there in blog land, do you read much. I have read a great book this past year. Read it through probably 6 times and did a full Sunday School Class at my church with it. The book is Captured By Grace by David Jeremiah. WOW, what a great book. If you are like me, in need of a little grace now and then, you'll love this wonderful collection of thoughts. The book is centered around the Hymn Amazing Grace, but if you not a hymn fan, don't let this stop you. As you follow the life of slave trader John Newton and the Apostle Paul, you find that life can be full of all types of surprises, but God's grace is not beyond anyone's reach.
Another great book, one which should not be approached lightly, is written by a gentleman I had never heard of before. It's not a new book. I got a free copy a few years ago and my wife, who is the avid reader, read it. Last year when my father died, she recommended a chapter to me. I was hooked and have given away a number of copies. You can't go wrong with this one. The book is Make Me Like Jesus: The Courage To Pray Dangerously by Michael Phillips.
Put your favorite book in the comments section so others can get a good look at great books to help them grow in their lives, especially their Christian commitment.
If you like to read, please visit my ministry book site located on the left side on this blog. Or go to www.gileadministries.com and find the CBD logo link on our links page. When you or your church purchases books from this site (you must go to our web page and click on our link for us to get credit) a portion of the profits comes to us. This allows us to provide spiritual support and outreach to cancer, long term illness patients and their families.
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings and my cheap shameless commercial at the end of this entry.
God Bless
For One More Day
by Mitch Albom
Highly Recommend!
I recommend Stepping Heavenward: One woman's Journey to Godliness by Mrs. E Prentiss
I made notes, highlighted, and underlighted on nearly every page. THis book is not just for women, men can read it as well and grasp a better understanding of thier wives and loved ones. Fabulous Biblical principles that we all need.
"Mathematics: Is God Silent?"
by James Nickel
An excellent book on understanding that Mathematics does truly declare the glory of God.
"Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult: A Beginner's Guide to Life's Big Questions"
by Garrett Deweese and James Moreland
A book to help us understand modern philosophy from a Christian Worldview perspective.
Currently devouring Communicating for a Change (Andy Stanley) Just finished Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom)
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