There it was, it call was clear and loud.
I passed it by and thought well of myself, only to find my mind running back to its location.
What's a man to do, afterall I'm only human.
I can stand up to this, truly, I can! No Bill, don't, Bill, stop, BILL!!!
I lost, there in my hand was the Payday bar. Not just any Payday bar but the AVALANCHE Chocolate Payday bar. How was I to resist, it's aroma was leaking through the outer wrapper and well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, so I bought it.
All the way to the register my taste buds were crying out DON'T WAIT, but the penalty would be more than the sugar rush and possible weight addition, if I opened it and consumed, I may get to visit those nice young men in their wonderful uniforms.
As the sign in one of the stores said... Those who shoplift get a free taxi ride downtown in a police car. Well I've been to Chicago and survived that cab ride, I didn't want to take my chances on the one that stopped at the Three hoots And A Cot Hotel. I did my time in jail.... As a chaplain, stop worrying.
Well enough running off at the stupid words side of life, have you found yourself in a situation where it was more than a Payday bar?
What's the one thing satan can use to get you off track?
What little whisper or colorful image does he employ to get your mind off the straight and narrow and begin to drown you in a sea of regret?
Well my friend, no matter what it is, your not alone. All of us have something that if others knew about it, we'd be horrified for life.
Let's talk about you how to begin to face this monster of Temptation...
First, admit it, I mean it. This is not some coy use of words. Find someone you can really trust and TELL THEM. The enemy's number one tool to keep you shame filled and defeated is worry about the judmental attitude he tells you others will have. The power of a dirty secret is that it's a secret. I have found that I have 1 or 2 people in my life that I can come clean with (great phrase if you truly want to clean up your act). This is not a guarantee that you won't face it again, but when you do, you have somewhere to run and tell. A friend of mine has a great phrase he shares regularly, A burden shared is a burden cut in half.
Second, quit the blame game. I don't know your story and I am not trying to minimize your pain, but it's your turn now. You can make a choice, it's the way God made us, it's called free will. You see, once you know it's wrong and you know to blame it on whoever victimized you, you are now aware of both sides of the issue. Now it's your turn. Make the choice, do the thing you wanted the person who hurt you to do. Stop the cycle, quit the blame game.
Third, remember you've got an ally. Jesus was tempted like we were (Hebrews 4:15-16) but won the victory over the satan's attacks. One of my favorite verses to recall when I get my wits about me in a tempting situation ( I wish my wits would show up more often, don't you? I mean your wits no mine!) is I Corinthians 10:13. Listen to it's words and let them sink in...
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
I Corinthians 10:13 NKJV
Broken down it looks like this...
...Sex, Drugs, Bad Music (Country can be as bad as Rock), Greed, Power Hunger, Rage, jealousy, Violence, Stealing, Adultery, Booze, Etc, I could go on and on. ALL BEEN TRIED BEFORE AND WITH THE SAME RESULTS!!! The person either gave in or not. But you're not the first to struggle with what you have going on in your melon.
...Since Jesus understands this, he is willing to help you get the victory over it.
...When you get the upper hand with His help, you're actually picking up strength for the next time the chump comes calling.
Can't find anyone to talk to? Tell Me! I've heard a lot of things, yours can't be too far from the one I heard during my time in jail. Or if you think that's bad, I ran youth camps for 5 years, now that trumps the jail. At least in jail I had bars between me and the most violent ones!
Hey, I'm serious, don't let satan dim your light, Tell someone (become accountable), Quit pointing fingers (there's more pointing back at you when you do), and Put your hand in the hand of the man Who stilled the water, Put your hand in the hand of the man Who calmed the sea, Take a look at yourself And you can look at others differently, Put your hand in the hand of the man From Galilee (yes it's an old song, but the words fit).
You're Not Alone, take a look at the picture again, see whose in the ray of SONshine...