Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Facebook and Jesus, two of a..... ?



Ladies and gents in Facebook land, this picture is getting rehashed and redistributed. I want you to think for a second. Each time someone plays one of these type of pranks on people of faith, we unfortunately reinforce to them we don't understand the God we say we follow......
The sad part is that we fall for it like a bass in a big lake, hook line and sinker!

 Don't tune me out please, give me at least one read...

If Jesus says pray for those who spitefully use you, how important is it for Facebook to be a "freedom of speech" ploy. Instead of hammering and making inflamed statements, which shows how much hate and anger we have towards a world in need of Christ, we should be doing what we know we're filled with God's spirit to do. Be salt and light in a world of darkness.

Please folks, don't tune me out, read the rest of this post, you'll be mad for a minute but by God's grace you will hopefully see, I really care about the way believers represent Jesus. This is the Jesus who was liked by the people who were not like him . Think about this, the people who bothered to really investigate or try to understand Jesus, and in two occasions showed more faith than the Jews who were Jesus called people, was the lowest forms of people in the eyes of those same Jews. Sinners, tax collector, prostitutes, Samaritans, demonics, etc....

Then, the people Jesus went to school with, learned the same Old Testament stories and laws with and if they took a quiz of their belief system would both pass with flying colors, were the ones always trying to trip him up, shut him up and eventually talked the Roman government into nailing him up.

It is no wonder our light is hidden. We spend time mad about Facebook! Who cares about Facebook! It's a private company, if they ever got the crazy idea to shut Christians up, they would only join the list of thousands who haven't been able to keep the GOSPEL from continuing to make an impact through the lives of those who have been transformed by it.

Think for a second, for thousands of years the gospel has flourished most among those most persecuted!  Communism and many other forms of government have lost this war because it's not about a political ideology, it's about a man on a cross.

Jesus still loves people, he still changes lives, he is still awaiting his reunion with those who have allowed him to regenerate their hearts and lives.

Jesus doesn't care what Facebook does, he does care about how you love your enemy, how you live the gospel, how you hold your tongue, how you love the least, how you stay together with faulty people who follow him in fellowship and not quit getting together whether it is a church or a home. He does care about people, even Mark Zuckerberg.

I wonder if he gets tired of people of faith allowing stupid posts, e-mail and railings to get them riled up like Satan at a revival. If he does, he has the answer to their failure...  Grace...

Ok, I took a deep breath, please go back to your regular life and thank you for your time!

Love, from an imperfect person who feels like he's ranting and hopes he is actually helping other feel instructed, corrected, encouraged and challenged...


Saturday, March 08, 2014

Some Cool Music...

I saw this and thought it was worth sharing....

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Family Members and Other Fun Topics...

When is the last time you said "I'm not related to him (her)?"

This phrase is normally thrown out after a family member has done something embarrassing and you think to yourself "I want to crawl (add your favorite phrase here)."

Well, that thought usually gives way to some form of admission that this person really is someone we love. 

Imagine this, you are the leader of a world renown religion and you are here to tell people they need to stop things that are harmful and do things that are productive.  Well if you are like some religious people you would distance yourself from the "misfits" of your family, even if you still loved them.  If you don't believe me, just look on the face of a "believer" when one of their embarrassing relatives enter the conversation. 

There was just such a person, who was called upon to be the leader of a world of religious people, and unlike some, he didn't hide those undesirables.  As a matter of fact, his family line was chose before he came and is often known and the "lineage of David".

I love Max Lucado's version of this little known talked about fact about Jesus.  You see if you and I were to make up a "god", he would not be from "us".  He'd be "better" than us.

But Max writes...

"You've barely dipped a toe into Matthew's gospel when you realize that Jesus hails from the Tilted-Halo Society.  Rahab was a Jericho harlot.  Grandpa Jacob was slippery enough to warrant an electric ankle bracelet.  David had a personality as irregular as a Picasso painting - one day writing psalms, another day seducing his captain's wife.  But did Jesus erase his name from the list? Not at all...
Why did Jesus hand his family's dirty laundry on the neighborhood clothesline?
Because your family has some too.  The dad that never came home.  The grandparent who ran away with the coworker.  If your family tree has bruised fruit, then Jesus wants you to know, "I've been there."
(From "Next Door Savior")
From unfaithful to unlawful, it's possible that you have some similarities to Jesus' family.  Heck, you may be the "bruised fruit" for all we know.  Here's the good news....
He knows.  He loves.  He invites.  He's waiting.
For what?  For you to admit you don't have it all together.  Neither you nor your family tree.
And he says...  "I didn't come to condemn".  Don't believe me, look at his most famous quote of all time...
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."
I may be bold in saying here that if you've felt condemned, it's been a "family tree denying" person who thinks they are ok with God.  I think I can say that with pretty good confidence, you see, when Jesus was here on earth, he had religious people like that around him then too.
Don't stay away, come check out Jesus, even if you're not ready to jump in and be a "follower". 
But by all means, don't look at those who deny their family tree in an attempt to look good, Jesus didn't do that so it's not a healthy way of living life.
Till Next Time...

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Cops and speeders...

Here is a short man's wonderings about speeding tickets this early am...

Those who know me are familiar with my "met a police officer today" reputation for speeding tickets.  Most of the heavy footed encounters within my home town are "slaps on the wrist" since I spent 9 years as a chaplain with the local Sherriff's department.  My pride and wallet are thankful for this.

Well, I have to say that I struggle with the same "gotcha" syndrome when it comes to other people.  It's like I'm sitting along the side of a street, hidden like a cop in a school speed zone just waiting for someone to "break the law". 

It was a recent religious infraction which prompts this mornings wondering...

I sit remembering the words of a man who was visiting my office a week back.  He was there to help with some office equipement and as the discussion proceeded he did it, he went screaming through the speed zone.  No use in letting this "offender" get away with his offense, so I turn on the lights and motioned him to the edge of the conversation.  After my lecture on the benefits of watching his words and to be careful how "quickly" he pushed them into the conversation, he looked at me and with a humbled voice he said in a contrite voice...

"Please forgive those of us who don't understand."

I was floored.  His candor and humility disarmed me.  I was speechless, including no apology for my quick jump to "ticket" his "callous" shot into the world of words we were sharing.

Normally someone who "talks back" have their pride to soothe.  They proceed with a all out attempt to talk this legal beagle into letting their offense go, stating one of a hundred "reasons" for their transgression.  Most steeped in a lifetime of "Christian" living or churchgoing tradition.

No so this time.  This "gentle"-man didn't seem to have any wind left in his pride sail.  I was truly taken aback by his meekness.

The conversation finished and we each went our separate ways to proceed with the tasks and challenges of our vocations.

Days went by, I stewed over my behavior, better yet, the words of a familiar statement from Jesus tugged and twisted my heart.  The judgment that I had passed out so quickly was now "judging" me.  (See Matthew's account in chapter 7)  With the fight at an end, my pride stood up and walked out of the room and my humbled, embarrassed heart made the phone call to retract my "ticket" which I had so quickly passed on to this "wrongdoer".

My apology of a judgmental attitude was quickly met with a "it's ok" and "I forgive".  Then he said something I would never have thought to say, "Bill I think you're a good man and I appreciate what you do."  There you have it, rough words (my part), meek response (his response).  Apology (my part)...

Aren't you like me, waiting for the other shoe to drop?  If someone came to me and apologized I may (or more likely if the day is right) would say, "I forgive you, you were wrong."

Not this time, he says "I appreciate"...

How humbling...  Again...

Our second conversation ended much like the first, my heart had been exposed to grace.  Something I talk about regularly, give away as often as I remember and is the foundation of all I have as a believer and follower of Jesus, was served up with whip cream and a cherry on top. 

I only have one thing left to say...

I think dessert is better than the meal when it comes to a life full of judgmental attitudes.

Let's agree to remind each other of that the next time we have a "meat and potatoes" serving of criticism hot off the stove.

Till next time...